from yong zing...even down to no instructions with the light/ indicator not knowing where the wire connection connects...getting there slowly but surely though
Ah ok. Well you should have a corrigated pressure switch. This fits over the brake cable between the brakes, by adjusting the brass clamp the brakes will compress and activate the switch and therefore rear light. BUT be carefull too close and you'll impede them and prevent the brakes from compressing fully against the wheel and CRASH!
AHA!!! thanks for that....nope dont wanna do that then ...the "8 music turning lamps" dont look that good anyway may just leave em off ...there is not a battery area within the unit....hmmm.....just seen the indicators you mentioned, they look very cool...may just have to be just lights for now though...thanks it appears to be very similar or the same to the bike you sell .. bike was bought as a suprise gift so didnt have any say in where to get it from...oh well i have it now and im going to make the best of it...i LOVE it
I have experienced two sets, one has a slide off cover for the batteries behind the rear light, but i have a feeling, yours may need unscrewing as the batteries sit between the LED's