WTB: 80cc Engine Block


New Member
Seems I might be on the market for an 80cc 2-stroke engine block. I had a mounting bolt break off inside the engine block and all attempts to get it out have failed. It's headed to a friends, if he cannot get it out I'll need a new block. Anyone have just the block, I don't need the carb, muffler and so on and I really don't want to have to spend $150+ on an entire new kit.
Thank you guys, and thanks for the link Kat, that's a great price. I put an offer in for $45. My friend got the bolt out but the first 3/16 of the block is chewed up a bit so a new block while not needed will make me feel more comfortable. Just not wanting to spend close to $100 if I can avoid it otherwise I'll just dump the cash and get an entirely new kit.
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i had the same issue, the block got so mangled that i cut out a little square out of it (were the whole stud was) and bolted a aluminium block rougly the same size back on there and covered it in jb weld including the stud let it sit for 3 dayz and it worked like a charm i even wiped out on the bike hard and it was still fine id suggest gupin the **** out of the stud with jb weld before puting it in of course this means that you wont be able to remove the stud