Winter wheel-free score

What are you using to drive that right side sprocket?

I,m using a Bridgestone Titan from Island Hopper-American Chain Drive still mounted on my Summer bike-blue Harrow. I have a picture of it in the "pictures and video" section 4 up from the bottom on page 3 Right now I'm using the 48cc but i'll remount the 35cc for winter bike

I know it sounds strange,but that little 35 in some cases pushed my bike up to 40 mph. The 48 is alot heavier and NOT faster but it sure has alot more power.:):)
I know this might sound silly but have you ever tried spraying the rims with WD-40. We used to use it on the real magnesium rims on the race car. Mag tarnishes very quickly but the WD kept them looking great for a couple of weeks after a polish job. That old thing about 1001 uses for WD isn't all BS. The stuff does work for a lot of things. Give it a try and let me know how it works. And, the overspray will make your tires look nice :)

WD 40 is a great cleaner and moisture displacement I reserve it for inside of spark plug cap and fly- wheel magnets. I use about 10 different sprays and lubes for my bike . For cleaning rubber however I would prefer Armor -all .

P.S. I want to take this moment to apologize to you for the harsh rude uncalled for statement that I made to you yesterday,and I feel like crap because of it!! I have been getting WEIRD IN THE HEAD lately.
there might be a better thread for this but i couldn't find it. has anyone tried making a track system for the rear will? Ktraks makes one but it's $500. I'm hoping to cut up some old tires and stitch them into a flexible track that runs around my existing rear tire and then around an idler pulley that sticks out a couple feet behind the bike. I've recently moved onto a motorcycle so I want to put my motorized bicycle to good use over the winter.