winding down


minor bike philosopher
Since I have decided to stop building and just enjoy my mini stretch, I have worked my tail off. First I had to clean the shop and put my experimental bikes somewhere out of the way. Then I found to my amazement that I had saved about 25 bike wheels that fit nothing I own. I began cleaning out and as I was dumping bike wheels on the curb for the salavage pickers, one pulled up. He offered to pull his van into my drive so I wouldn't have to make so many trips to the curb. I loaded the things I knew I didn't ever plan to use again. The ones I'm not quite sure of are still out there.

So I rode the bike to the mall to walk, When I got home, I found that the left wheel on the power trailer was bent. The axle was bent actually. So I rewired the batteries into the trailer I have with the bicycle wheels. The bent one had scooter wheels. I still dont like the way they pull. I might have to build a better trailer before I'm through. I do know that I have to square up the drive frame on the bike. It kind of wanders around these days.

Not a lot to do but winding down isn't as easy as I thought it would be.
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No I haven't heard from her at all. It's a shame too, I have no idea why she lost intertest.

Oh I will keep posting, I'm just going to stop building new bikes. The last rhino build was an operational bike but a dud. I think the rhino on the 26" frame with the twenty inch crank and wheels, is about as far as that design can be taken. I am doing little things to improve it but it is pretty much done. I still have a trailer to get as far as it can go, but that is probably just improvements to one of the existing ones.
so much for winding down... the bike caught fire this morning lol. Nothing big just the controller got a short from being over powered. I learned a valuable lesson though. Don't over power your controller. With a 48v power supply, I'm thinking I might now want to go with a simple switch. However I might just have to give it a try. The drive wheel will slip if it gets too much power too fast. The problem is with the chain. that sudden jerk of power might just pull it off. It has done it before.

Since I have had nothing but trouble with the controllers, I would really like to dump them and go straight switch or at least with a relay.
What i did was to wire one switch to deliver 24 volts to the motor which runs it well enough until I get to a long steep hill at that point I can bring a 36volt circuit on line. I am hoping this will be a replacement for the controller. In theory I could use a 24v and a 48v as well. I might give that a try later. In the meantime it is going to snow big time here tonight and tomorrow so I might not get to test this till next week sometime.