Wind always at your back. Hybrid Bike


New Member
My son is going to bring a few of these bikes into the country. I am going to try one this weekend. It has settings from 1 - 5 for help, or you can just put it in go mode and it will run off the battery only. I like the setting for the helping legs. will go 20mph and will go 30mi or more with the help you add. Ill keep you posted on how good it works. Have fun, Dave
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I got to take a ride on the bike yesterday, this is the coolest thing I have ever ridden. I was able to get the bike up to 20mph in the highest helping mode. I never tried the go only mode, I almost think I would take it away from the one that I get, I am for sure going to get one. I am going to sell some of my petrol bikes to get up the money for it. The bike is not heavy, I have tried another electric bikes, they were horrible and I would never have considered one. This bike is nearly silent, as you start to pedal it then starts helping you push, if you stop pushing it quits helping and you coast to a stop. For me at my age I feel like I am a kid again I could go as far as I want. It looks like it is of high quality all the fit and finish is first rate, the new ones will be even better. The bike will only go 20 but it is as fast as I think you need to go. My petrol bikes will go faster but I never sustain that speed, that is just to fast for a bicycle. If you are strong you can go faster if you like but you will have to contribute the extra power to achieve that. I have always liked the noise I can make with a well tuned engine, but I am getting over that now, and I seem to be more attracted to just a quiet as I can be. I have some trails I want to try in Utah, and with the electric legs helping me I can go anywhere. Ill keep you posted. Have fun, Dave
First batch of bikes should be here in a few weeks. I am looking forward to seeing them in a few colors. I would like to take one off road I think it will be cool to just hear the gravel crunching under the wheels. I hope the craze for this kind of transport takes off, I think one of the reasons the Gov. is not balking at the fuel prices is that they see it as a way to control the way we move. Have fun, Dave
Evolution Bicycles Home Page
So far there is no price for them, I think he will have to see what the shipping will be. I think as soon as he knows it will be up on the site. From what I can tell this bike will be a good one, he is working with the supplier and knows him, as he was working in China a year ago on a new battery project for a large manufacturer. I am looking forward to what the future will hold in battery's I think that is going to be the answer, and I think we are close. Have fun, Dave