I would really appreciate all and any opinions about my idea! Thanks guys! hope to hear from you soon.![]()
BBStar, I too had a similar idea & was encouraged by friends to do the same, but liability issues aside, there are those who might want such a bike but have absolutely NO mechanical ability whatsoever who are lucky just to know where to put gas into their car. You do this and I'm sure some brain dead moron will get one, forget to put 2-cycle oil in it, burn it up, then blame you for selling them a shoddy bike. And you'll end up fixing it for free just to restore your reputation. A lot of posters here have done what you are thinking & got out of it just for this reason alone, they spend more time making repairs & "making friends" for selfish folks who are only interested in what they can get out of others, that they end up losing money in the long run. These 2-strokes are very high maintenance. The ONLY thing they have going for them is their simplicity & cheap initial costs. But remember the old adage: you get what you pay for. There are better designed & built bikes out there that get 100 MPG, but they cost quite a bit more than $300.00 starting out.
I don't mean to bust your bubble, but in these litigious times we live in today, coupled by all the stupid people out there (I blame all the anti-Darwin laws on the books, like seat-belt & helmet laws) that the best way to avoid trouble is to not to venture into dangerous territory.
My recommendation, don't do it. Not unless you have a LOT of capital to start with and a lawyer in your corner. The advertisers here on this site have big money behind them worth more than the average guy can come up with, and with that kind of clout, they can buy in bulk & underbid you every step of the way. That's why Wally World puts small businesses to shame with their cut throat prices, they buy stuff by the tanker full, then undersell the mom-&-pop stores who can't compete at those rates.
If you can't assemble a motorized bike from kit form, then you shouldn't have one. PERIOD. You take all the skill out of the equation by selling a complete bike then you will end up with a clientele with no mechanical skills who are going to be up your butt demanding you continue providing services long after the sale has been made. Or blame you for their own stupidity.