will it work?!?!?!?

I'm thinkin when you ride your nose is gonna be very close to that gas tank and they don't seal real well...might be breathin fumes alot or worse yet get gas in your eyes. I'd prefer one of them rear tanks that mount over the back tire behind the seat I think they are about $25

that tank looks hideous n my opinion.
here's my thought and what i would do if it were mine.
I'd get a fake fiberglass tank cover and cut the tunnel in it so that the tank sits down over that top bar and make the tank kind of follow the angle of the frame.
Then, i'd get a small lawnmower style gas tank, and hide it in a leather tool bag tied to the front forks. something like this. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Craftsman-Gas-Tank-/120876849255?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c24d25867

and hide it in one of these tied to the forks.

I'd run the fuel line from the bag, through the forks, up under the fake tank and then to the carb.
you can get fiberglass fake tanks off e-bay for cheap like this.

since the tank will be fake, you could cut the center of the bottom out and make it sit on the frame however you wanted it to. cut the front and rear of the tank so it sits down over the top tube of the frame.
just my opinion.
:D Ok, George and dragray covered the most obvious thing, what I have to say refers to your chain. Shorten that sucker up; it's a disaster waiting to happen The upper tensioner is a bad idea, all the torque of the motor will be trying to twist the tensioner mount on the frame. Plus the chain will strech a lot. I had to eventually remove two links but in the end after the last link was removed I didn't need the tensioner at all, the best situation. If you can shorten it up that much right now I'd still run the lower tensioner, you're going to need it for when the chain does strech.