Whole scooter for $600 vs. Bike motor for $200

While road testing a 150 old scooter today (Elite), I hit the front brake to slow for a "u" turn and the wheel slipped out, like on ice and I caught it by slamming down my left foot. Now my ankle is swelling and protesting..bf.
No one mentioned the fact scooters are....lets say..."not all that cool" and Mb's are cool!

Mount a motor on a nice mountain bike= Instant hero

Ride a little scooter= Instant zero

I would rather ride a pedal bike...in fact i just got back from a ride.
That's kind of like asking "why do people build choppers when they can just go buy a ready made motorcycle".

For me it's the fact that building then tinkering on a bike gives me something to do that I really enjoy. That and about 11 years ago I had a pretty good wreck on a motorcycle (which ironically enough I'd built out of a Honda and a Kawasaki) and almost lost my left arm. My wife said no more motorcycles and by the definition of the law a bike wit ha motor IS NOT a motorcycle!

Ouch! Stop hitting me dear! :D

Anyway if I was going to get a scooter it'd be a lot more then one of these $600 Chinese jobs. I've always been partial to


:edit: Scooters can be cool! :p
Those cheap scooters are downright dangerous. They can do 35 mph like my 2 stroke can do 35 mph. Then you cannot ride those things on the sidewalks or bike paths safe from death cars and death trucks and death soccer moms on teh death SUV's like you can on a motorized bicycle yes technically you can't but a cop would most definitely pull over a guy on a scooter riding on the sidewalk or bike trail before they will one on a motorized bicycle.
I'm rather surprised people actually buy these things. For a safety aspect scooters should at the very least have 110cc engines.
Those cheap scooters are downright dangerous. They can do 35 mph like my 2 stroke can do 35 mph. Then you cannot ride those things on the sidewalks or bike paths safe from death cars and death trucks and death soccer moms on teh death SUV's like you can on a motorized bicycle yes technically you can't but a cop would most definitely pull over a guy on a scooter riding on the sidewalk or bike trail before they will one on a motorized bicycle.
I'm rather surprised people actually buy these things. For a safety aspect scooters should at the very least have 110cc engines.

All things aside like cheap chinese workmanship etc, it depends on a lot of variables too many to mention here, but whether someone prefers a scooter (the subject is SMALL scooters) depends greatly on their situation and their location. If you're in a small town and use if for trips to the store etc and not your major higher speed transportation, a small scooter can be perfect, especially with the gas savings. Even in a larger city, they can still be a great form of economical transportation and there's always out of the way routes to avoid major traffic lanes. I've owned many scooters of all sizes and they are very comfortable, smooth and dependable transportation. I presently know people who have driven them for many years. It's hard to ignore that millions of people around the world drive them.
For raw transportation, I agree. Those who are in it for more than that will spend more and a scooter will not do (myself included). I could have gotten an old used motorcycle for what I have in my bike...but that's not the point. Frankly, $4 gas was a bummer, but did not change my lifestyle. I don't do this for transpo. However, for pure cheap, you can get away for not much more than $200 if you already have a suitable bike.

But you're a lawyer and $4 gas would naturally not have a big impact on your lifestyle. I'm way down on the totem pole and even $3 gas was quite a problem for me and many others. Yes, $200 is less than $600 but you always get what you pay for. A chinese engine kit can nickel and dime you to death and keep you frustrated all the time or you can be fortunate and have no problems. A chinese made scooter could do the same, but probably not as much. A Japanese made scooter can be extremely reliable and depending on the model, can go as fast as you want to go. A good used Yamaha Riva or various Honda models can be had for a wide range of prices. But as you said, this isn't the point. You're in it strictly for the fun or pleasure factor. The guy posting this thread is likely not looking for the pleasure of it but looking for economical transportation.
Actually (and I may just be one of the lucky ones) the only thing I've had to replace in my kit is the chain for a total of $17. Now don't get me wrong I have WAY more into my bike then the initial investment of the bike and the motor but that was more for looks and comfort then anything.

There are probably plenty of people here that would agree that you can build a reliable motorbicycle for less then $250.
Chinese scooters are way more dangerous than a well constructed mb. They are extremely top heavy and have no gyro' motion due to small wheels.
Beside's if there is an accident or traffic jam, I can kill the motor, ride down the sidewalk, get past or out of the jam; drop clutch or pull the starter and back on the thottle you go!
In WA you can't split lanes w/ an m/c or a scoot. but, w/ tact, I can do better than that on my mb and everyone is unnaffected; no jestures of displeasure, or comments at volume, or high frequency 12v diaphrams, etc.
Scoots can be fun, but I wouldn't ride one here in the winter. Ironically there are forums about scooters.
Extremely top heavy? As far as the general build of a scooter, whether it's chinese or Japanese, the build is the same. I've driven many scooters of all sizes and there's absolutely nothing top heavy about them. Don't know how it would be possible since the engine is either center mount or rear wheel mount.
I rode a Japanese scooter for 5 years as my only form of transportation. I drove through ice and snow, torrential rainstorms and hail and still got home halfway dry, washboard dirt roads, moon crater paved roads you name it. Never laid it down, never left me stranded. I found the comfort level higher than any motorcycle or MB. Very cushy. I also have an MB and I'm not an MB seller, so my opinion is unbiased.
Starting next year even 50cc scooters are required by law to have insurance in CO. 1 of my main concerns is being legal and no touble. The thing with DE friction setup is you can disengage the motor just by pulling a lever and I always pedal to look the part and I like the exersize. I sold my kawi klr 650 this summer due to issues and riding it on a daily basis was putting my life at risk every day. People are crazy when it comes to motorcycles and Im not sure Ill ever buy another 1 unless Im out in the country and its for off road use. But riding a MAB is fun fun fun I feel like a kid again. I can go anywhere with it and just enjoy the world more slowly. I think you guys understand.........Riding a MAB is a different experience then a factory scooter or a motorcycle.
Starting next year even 50cc scooters are required by law to have insurance in CO. 1 of my main concerns is being legal and no touble. The thing with DE friction setup is you can disengage the motor just by pulling a lever and I always pedal to look the part and I like the exersize. I sold my kawi klr 650 this summer due to issues and riding it on a daily basis was putting my life at risk every day. People are crazy when it comes to motorcycles and Im not sure Ill ever buy another 1 unless Im out in the country and its for off road use. But riding a MAB is fun fun fun I feel like a kid again. I can go anywhere with it and just enjoy the world more slowly. I think you guys understand.........Riding a MAB is a different experience then a factory scooter or a motorcycle.

Really well said Bandito