Where To Get New Ebike Controller?


New Member

i think i just burned out the controller on my ebike. i have a wilderness energy systems crystalylte bd36, brushed 36volt, 600 watt conversion kit. at the wilderness energy website they want about $85 for a new controller. does anyone know of a place that sells the bd36 crystalyte controller cheaper? is there another brand controller with similar hookups that i could substitute for the one i have? thanks in advance for any information.

valparaiso, in
Sorry to hear you troubles.
you have a few options & they are all good.
#1 this is the most expensive option(prolly even money) contact Justin at e-bikes. He has phenominal customer service
The Grin Cyclery

#2 Here is a guy that will repair/make quality controllers for you. sign up at ES & pm member Lyen. He does repair & custom controllers (i have a pr of 18fet units from him) don't fret the prices in his for sale thread, tell him what you need & he will help you out very reasonably (new or repair your existing controller)
Endless-sphere.com • View topic - 9 FET 72V Infineon Brushless Controller (LYEN's Edition) $89

#3 E-bay a controller from the E-crazy man (I have several from this guy also)
36V 350W brushless controller for E - bike & scooter - eBay (item 300371271592 end time Nov-21-10 05:49:19 PST)
again send a mesage & Keywin will get you what you need (shipping is a while from overseas)

You can get them from here also:
Holmes Hobbies LLC / Holmes Bikes :: Bike / MoPed

so there are some options & there is a ton of info about compatability with different hub motors & the connection of diferent color wires from Lyen or John H at the last link.
don't know if i saved you any $$ but free info is pricless :)
good Luck. Thud