Where to buy "low pin bore" 66 cc pistons

Like it says... as my other posts show I am able to only buy the high pin bore pistons which is keeping my engine down. I have 6 pistons I cannot use so any info is appreciated.

It just may.....heading to the garage to measure piston rt now!!

Yes it would work but their drop down menu does not work the parts have to be first shipped to a US address first then forwarded on to Canada using a company called Bongo etc nothing but issues sheesh.... thanks for the help I keep trying but nothing is working
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CALL, Jack.@ BIKEBERRYS.com they Carrie both low and high .160 dome pistons. It's what you'll need if your plannig on using a high comp. head down the road . If your running a long rod the piston WILL HIT THE HEAD, but this ok . All you have to do is one of two things , #1 get one those this a$$ head gasket and use RTV W/COPPER the base gasket. OR #2 use 2or3 base gaskets &2 regular head gasket. I did #1 UNFKN compression ! It's so high my pullstarter cord snaped. You'll need to run 24:1 mix and a BR10HIX NGK IUIDIUM PLUG for 3 resons :A, your bearing will need help B, The coldest high spark plug for high comp engines need more fire, (get or build a jaguar CDI and coil) C. And last the rich mix will help you from OVERHEATING.400+degrees not good. I run a TTO Tach &Temp gauges .
Thanks Huffy, I appreciate the help!!!! I have a puch head and i must be detonating some bad just scuffed another cylinder, my compression tester showed 190 psi. Just ordered the jag cdi now need some pistons as it changes from wet black to grey and white(porcelain ) just from dropping from 81 to 79 dellorto main.
Pistonbikes only sells. high pins . I'm freinds with Robert there he's the CEO there. Don't get me wrong I buy parts for them but their GT-5 freaks. High pinsters. I've turned 8140rpms with a set up. PK-80 Balanced.
CALL, Jack.@ BIKEBERRYS.com they Carrie both low and high .160 dome pistons. It's what you'll need if your plannig on using a high comp. head down the road . If your running a long rod the piston WILL HIT THE HEAD, but this ok . All you have to do is one of two things , #1 get one those this a$$ head gasket and use RTV W/COPPER the base gasket. OR #2 use 2or3 base gaskets &2 regular head gasket. I did #1 UNFKN compression ! It's so high my pullstarter cord snaped. You'll need to run 24:1 mix and a BR10HIX NGK IUIDIUM PLUG for 3 resons :A, your bearing will need help B, The coldest high spark plug for high comp engines need more fire, (get or build a jaguar CDI and coil) C. And last the rich mix will help you from OVERHEATING.400+degrees not good. I run a TTO Tach &Temp gauges .
Ima looking at pistons at bikeberrys rt now but I WILL call jack when i get home tommorow, i think im detonating and its cracking/scuffing the chrome. All this has happened since I have started with the rse reed kit and im starting rich and it goes haywire in 1 small jet change yet im running 20:1 mixture to break in the new rings. I also run a cht and the head temps are good about 325 f yet its scuffing cylinders. Thinking too much advance hence the jag cdi is ordered. Am i on the rt path???
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The higher you comp is , so is rise of overheating. Your best temp 280 to 380 after 420 your approaching internal meltdown . I'm running at set up with a SBP Shift kit & chamber, RT carb .75 jet a Jag MM intake form Pirate . Make sure you download the JAG manual after you click on the Jag there JNM. My bike blue and I mounted mine with RELEASABLE ZIP TIES on blue 3/8 rubber from 88 cent cozy cup from Walmart !!!! Funy sh!t .
The thing of it is I was running the same head and compression befor no problemo for 2ooo miles. Now everything is going sideways when i put the reed kit on and machined the windows in my piston. Also the carb is inclined 30 degrees(dellorto phbg) to fit on the rse reed kit. Machined my woodruff key to retard 3 degrees but the engine is so touchy, pulls like a bas#### but scuffs cylinders running rich within an hour. That why im thinking(and ordered) the jag cdi.......
Yea, Mt Jacks @ Ext. 101 your temp @ 325 is dead on . It doesn't get any sweeter than that. Read the JAG,. Did you ramp& skirt out? Hey I know where you get a professionally ramped piston . You'll have to skirt yourself. check out RC machine man on e-bay the is like $28. He's a member here. He just launched the new round super cool head. (Stag 1&2) Your looking for what's call a NON GT-5 piston . I looked@ it and did a tapered ramp on the transfer ports and full ramping on the exhaust .man it looks real nice is a beautiful piston .check it out tonight.you up in Canada ?
Yup im in Canada and I already ramped(machined) my piston for the transfers and the intake windows needed for the reeds as I am a licenced machinist with a machine shop at my disposal. My puch head should keep things cool enough but I think detonation is scuffing my cylinders. You say Jack is at ext 101?
Dude goes by tootooling or some silly like that e-bay. Under motorized kits bikes . I pm ed him on e-bay to see if he'll ship up your way. Have you seen the round head yet? He also ports polish Non GT-5 cylinders. He decks them like -.050 I talk to Dave Rust @-Arrow and he told me when go over 140 psi it'll melt down but I'm @175 and I'm rolln. But I run 325-375 and its been 55-65 degrees here in St.Louis this week.
I hope you painted your cylinder walls for you fired up ? I use 40w smokes like he!! But no scriptures your stuffing in my liner. Have tried that oil that Pirate sell? It smell like strawberries when it burns. I got two freinds run this mix and I have to stay out in the front because their exhuast makes my nose itch. Stop LOL ING .
Phoned Bikeberry, talked to a rep he knew about the pistons with low pin bore BUT he CANNOT guarantee thats what I will get(not willing to measure maybe...) so no dice.
HOWEVER "lucky early bird" on ebay has them. I sent an email asking if they knew about this piston and would buy a bunch if they would make sure they confirmed each individual piston. Got a reply saying this was the "regular one". Anyways one week later and 5 CORRECT pistons showed up...Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good job M-80,and according to crmachineman that's all that boy go fast carries too.what's your plan for these pistons you bought?
Lol save em, seriously they are so I have spares on hand and have little down time . I machined one up for my reeds and a big thanks to several of the members for helping me figure out whats goin on with my problems getting the reed situation figured out. Turns out My compression is to high as their is a much (30% or so) bigger air fuel charge and I am also waiting for the jag CDI, I see after reading his info I am getting detonation due to the improper (4 stroke) advance curve. But alas it sbowed a couple of inches last night.