What Ya' Want


Custom MB Buiilder
Happy Mothers Day to whom it might apply:)
Had a chat with a wise man today. We might be spending more time thinking about how to make the bikes better than riding them. I use a laptop so I can plant my butt anywhere and use the 21st century and convey ideas as to bikes, and there use. I ride really big motorcycles. But I also ride a 26' Mongoose. I am going to build several motorbikes. I will keep doing it till I get what I want. As far as Master link I know I'm the new guy and can take a ribbing as well as the next.:ride2: rotfl If you guys will let me I think I can be a source you may benifit from. Sitting on the bike if the closed end of the Master Link is pointing forward U might not loose your chain. If U do grab the one U bought @ the bicycle store that's on your KEY chain and install it using a coin. (c)
I do, thanks ST1200!

Yeah, we were ribbin' ya' fo'sho', then we got waaaay off the subject!

Now, who puts the chain tensioner on backward? (pulley facing inward)

I do I do!!!!! I even installed the first one on the top run....der.
You mean it isn't supposed to face in... and where you you with the coin thing when the master link clip flew onto my brick walkway. Talk about hard to find.
I'm with Venice, wtf are you talking about? I know I'm bike retarded, but last time I checked I understood English pretty well. Proofreading equates to understanding. Just trying to learn and I don't think Im alone....
He's talking about which way the masterlink should face, and a good tip for keeping one with you (on your keychain) and using a coin to put it on.

And yeah, so sometimes we ramble on a bit here....stream of conciousness thoughts, Mmmmmm...donuts!