What the difference in Motors?


New Member
whats the Difference in the weedwacker, chainsaw motors and the other long stroke ones that mount underneath the frame rail of the bike with a chain drive? Like the Expedite from thatsDax.

I want to commute about 30 miles from work and back but the last few are up a pretty steep hill. Im wondering if i can get something to get me up it with some assist, but im also worried about the brakeing on the winedy back side of the hill. I might have to just take the bus on the last few miles.
nothing really change your 44T sprocket to a 36T for more speed or leave the 44T sprocket that you usually get with a kit for normal riding and pulling power.
The China in frame mount engines (like thatsdax sells) have more power than the average "weed wacker engine". They also come as ready to mount kits as where most weed wacker engines are home builts.

Most homebuilts run friction drive, the in-frame kits have a clutch.