What Did You Do With Your Motorized Bike Today?



New Member
Oct 5, 2021
It would be fun to read how we're doing.
Today I firmly attached the engine chain guard, on my F Zero/BT 80 which was just zip tied and moving around. My break in period was over so I mixed 24:1 some new Red Line Synthetic 2-Stroke Racing Oil plus 93 octane, put in a fresh NGK plug (the other was fouled) and went for a long ride. I can't pedal this bike yet, until I get the wide crank kit I ordered, so I posted my wife at home to come rescue me with our pick-up truck if I got stuck. Maybe I could lift the bike up into the truck, maybe not. I have Speedometer app on my cell phone, so I set that, and a flashing red light at the rear -- turned that on. I have also added turn signals, which are remote control from a switch on the fork. Amazon sells the set for about 50 bucks, but they're worth it. I have a leftover motorcycle helmet, which I put on (recommended) I live in CT, so headed off down one of our country back roads, real nice, the leaves are just starting to turn. There were some hills, so I had to get a good running start at them, but going up one my speed dropped to 14 mph, maxed out. Otherwise I cruised at 28mph and touched 37 full power on a slight downhill. (Stock exhaust, carb, etc.) It was fun to lean through the turns and accelerate out. In my rearview mirror there were no cars until a truck blasted past, close. The only other car behind me seemed OK with my 28mph and just hung back. I'd put about 100 miles on the bike, short trips, but this was the longest so far -- 22 miles on the odometer. I found my wife and told her she was 'off duty', the bike ran strong. I checked the chain and found it was very loose, so I lifted the tensioner sprocket to tighten it.
My point, I guess, is that working on and riding these bikes is good fun. I tend to ride a little and look at it a lot. So it was a confidence building day. Just wanted to share, and maybe read what you did with your MB today?
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