West coast chopper

Making progress with chopper got the motor mounted and a kick stand wait ing on a new air filter. Close to starting it up for the first time some more pics


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Mounted the cdi now on to the pipe try to have that done for next weekend.


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Ok finished up the silencer . This thing is allmost ready to start up. Here is pics of silencer.


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this bike is badass i wish i had the tools to do something like this, i have one of these exact choppers in my shed. you have inspired me to have another look at putting a motor on it. im really keen to see the finished product and maybe even see a video of it in action :)
this bike is badass i wish i had the tools to do something like this, i have one of these exact choppers in my shed. You have inspired me to have another look at putting a motor on it. Im really keen to see the finished product and maybe even see a video of it in action :)

thanks sparrow i sure will put a vid up when its done .i hope to complete it soon and i will ride it for break in then pull it apart for blast and pc.
I just bought one of these with a motor from someone that couldn't figure out how to build it, he said it wouldn't fit in the frame,
If you could send me some diagrams on the build would be much appreciated, want to have a cool chopper like yours.
Please contact me at ... [email protected].
Thanks, Cabby..trkhttp://motorbicycling.com/images/smilies/Trk.gif
i'm trying to mount a 80cc motor on a chopper bicycle but the chain will not clear the 4 1/4" back tire. i think i may need a special motor mounting bracket to offset the motor for at leat 1- 1 1/2" to line up the chain from the motor sprocket to the rear wheel sprocket. Does anyone have any ideas. HELP
this bike is one of the hardest ones to build.and that was my first challenge was the rear sprocket thats why i made my own adapter.the motor has to offset 1/2 to 1" i made my mounts adjustable.when you do this everything has to be moded.peddle cranks have to be wider pipe has to be bent to fit .on and on and on. I am still mounting the motor try to post pics this weekend .good luck on your build i will watch yours come together also.

how did you make the adapter and the mounts. I know that the motor must be offset by 1-1 1/2" and that the bracked should be adjustable to fine tune lining up of the motor sprocket and the rear wheel sprocket. I'm having trouble finding the proper mounting bracket and i have limited tools. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
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All the parts are one off parts . There where all designed and drawn and fabricated by me . I used cnc machine to make some of the parts some where hand made . I will have some of these parts for sale when have finished and tested this build parts like kick stand brkt,cdi mount brkt,hub adapter,and silencer brkt . I only have a few of these parts because i made extra .
Also i started it and ran it a little today. Man it needs tuning bad. But other than that it needs the chain tensioner and should be allgood.
I would like to buy the motor mount if you have made an extra if the price is right as i said i took on this project for a handicapp individual so i'm limited to the costs for this project but please let me know and i will try to make it work for all of us. Thanks. By the way where abouts do you live so i have some idea on the time factor.
Looking good,nice welding and fab work. Not an easy build by looking at it,but your doing a great job. What welder do you have and whats the settings? I cant seem to figure that crap out ,I just keep wire speed at 5 and change amp range for different jobs but i know thats not right. Some welds look good others kinda like bubble gum lol. Too much wire speed i guess when it looks like that?