West Coast Chopper finished


New Member
I finally finished my project. I had to add a front disc brake to try to stop this thing and I made a motor mount that lets me adjust the motor so I can adjust the chain without using a chain tensioner. I ran all the cables and wires though the frame. Lots of internal motor work and it runs Sweet!
Nice bike! Excellent craftsmanship and attention to detail. I'm new to this hobby but can already tell that I'm hooked. Builds like yours motivate me to spend the time to do it right. Very inspirational.
Nice bike! Excellent craftsmanship and attention to detail. I'm new to this hobby but can already tell that I'm hooked. Builds like yours motivate me to spend the time to do it right. Very inspirational.
Thank you, I'm also hooked on the hobby and I built two shifter mountain bikes for the wife and I and those things go anywhere. Have FUN with the hobby, It's all in the details.