minor bike philosopher
I am starting this thread because I am learning a lot of things as I build the Weed Whacker bike. Some of them might help others prevent my problems and if you have a tip please leave it for me.
So let me start with once you are happy with your mount use red locktite on the threads of the screws in the motor case. Be sure you satisfied with the basic mount.
My bolens whacker has two broken spots on the motor case from vibrations of the case. Actually I am considering just drilling out the next one and putting more substantial bolts and nuts on it next time. That pot alum casing isn't really strong enough to hold up under vibrations I am afraid.
So let me start with once you are happy with your mount use red locktite on the threads of the screws in the motor case. Be sure you satisfied with the basic mount.
My bolens whacker has two broken spots on the motor case from vibrations of the case. Actually I am considering just drilling out the next one and putting more substantial bolts and nuts on it next time. That pot alum casing isn't really strong enough to hold up under vibrations I am afraid.