wanting to get rid of the tensioner


New Member
hey everyone,
just finished getting my engine back online from the dreaded cylinder mauling. got everything mounted up and running.....get to break the motor in again (yay) and am having some trouble with the dreaded chain tensioner...am thinking about taking off the pedal chain, tighening up and completely trueing the rear wheel and sprocket without the tensioner and taking the pedal chain down to the local bike store to have them custom fit it....problem im having is when the pedal chain is tight like it should be, im getting too much slack in the motor chain and its something like one and a half links that need to be taken out of the motor chain to make everything flush and even......ugh such a pain in the butt......im always worried that the motor chain will come off mid run, wrap around the back axle and destroy my poor bicycle.....what i really need is a bike stand that i can set the bike on and true the wheels......if i can do that and keep the thing from falling over while im working on it it would be a blessing.....as is i have the wife sit on the bike while i eyeball it as close as i can get it.........i guess i should go down to the bike store but those guys make you pay for labor just to look at the thing.....i know because i took my rear wheel/axle down to them because i exploded my bearings (coaster brake) a while back and had to get them replaced...sad thing was they charged me 20 bucks and I WAS THE ONE WHO HAD TO SHOW THEM HOW TO PUT THE THING BACK TOGETHER....but because they are the only bicycle store within about a 200 mile area they get away with it. so im really trying to avoid having to go to them for anything else.....that and they mainly deal with "professional" style bicycles IE Cannondale/lance armstrong/carbon fiber/high end bicycles, not my 79 dollar box store jalapi.....OOOOO thats what im going to name my MB from now on.....anyways sorry to rant and rave....just frustrated with this bike is all (and quitting smoking too)....any idears or advice to give? would be greatly appreciated......thanks,
hmmmmm.... looks interesting but how practical would it be.....id worry about not having enough of those shims to properly tension the chain.......plus its a cheapo 41 chain i got from a garage door company for free......thing just stretches and stretches and stretches......and then after its stretched....it stretches some more....is there no end to the madness??!!!its not a bad idea though.....could try it i suppose.....i just dont have 30 bucks to spend right now.......
ALSO and here is the main problem that im having at the moment every time i pull the clutch lever in and try to back the bicycle up the chain falls off the back sprocket.....could that be because of the wheel being caddy corner maybe? agh....i need a bike stand.........i suppose i could take the engine off, take the gas tank off, flip the thing upside down, get it all trued up, reinstall everything, and then find out that it still doesnt work right....would take up the bulk part of my day off work AND stress me out....that could be fun.
there's a few methods, but none of them are free.

Venice's shims will work, or you could replace either the front or rear sprocket on the pedal side with another one with a different tooth count, like if your rear sprocket is an 18, move up to a 19. if you do this, not only do you need to buy a sprocket, but you'll need a chain breaker tool. also, if you change the sprocket, go from odd to even, or vice versa. if you change an 18 to a 20, you'll be in the same boat. you'll add more links to both chains, and it'll be exactly the same.
thats some good advice.....i may try that on the next round of negotiations with my troubled bicycle.......and oooooh dont tempt me with starting to smoke again....its been 6 days already and its tough.......i think there is something wrong with the back sprocket on the motor side......may be off kilter or not quite balanced right.......i kenw i would have had to get this problem fixed......(chain came off in drive mode last night)......so will proceed to tear down the machine........yay......
there's a few methods, but none of them are free.

Venice's shims will work, or you could replace either the front or rear sprocket on the pedal side with another one with a different tooth count, like if your rear sprocket is an 18, move up to a 19. if you do this, not only do you need to buy a sprocket, but you'll need a chain breaker tool. also, if you change the sprocket, go from odd to even, or vice versa. if you change an 18 to a 20, you'll be in the same boat. you'll add more links to both chains, and it'll be exactly the same.

That's the way I used to do it... (changing sprockets & using 1/2 links), but that still doesn't always get the two chains exactly the same. & then when the engine chain stretches, you'll need to adjust it again somehow... That's why I designed these shims. As the chain stretches, you can simply add another shim. ;)
ok so heres the rundown, the motor kept throwing the chain off the rear sprocket.....so took the gas tank off, took the carb off and took the motor out.....flipped the bike upside down and ran the pedals around a couple times.....noticed that the problem wasnt the motor, it was the back sprocket....had a big wobble to it from when the chain came off earlier and wrapped around the back wheel hub and wedged itself between the sprocket and the frame (that was a fun time) so i proceeded to take the sprocket off....(not an easy thing with no socket for a socket wrench....had to use a crescent wrench to do all of it.....(30 minutes in) i got the sprocket off and it didnt seem to be bent....laid flat on a flat surface so i flipped the rag joint around and retightened everything down....(1 hour in) got it mounted back up on the bike and pedaled a couple more times, had the same problem...big ole wonky sprocket.(2 hours in)..tightened the high side down as far as it would go...didnt make any difference.....so i took a pair of channel locks to it to try to bend it back and got it kinda close.....so i remounted the engine (bike still upside down) and ran the chain around, and of course i had cut one too many links out of the chain that i was using so i had **** moving the chain tensioner to the pedal chain side to take up some of the slack in it.....finally got it all back together,,,, (4 hours in) flipped the bike right side up aaaaaannnnd sprocket threw the chain again........at this point im grumbling and mumbling and i hadnt had a cigarette in 5 days and was feigning for one and general stressing out....flipped the bike back upside down and took the sprocket back off (5.5 hours in).....this time after i took the sprocket off, the rest of the guts of the coaster brake decided to puke out........(6.5 hours in) got all the coaster brake parts and sprocket back together and on the bike.....flipped it all back over and had a staring contest with the bike.......(7 hours in) sprocket threw the chain again......at this point was tired of looking at the bike took a 30 minute break to relax.......(7.5 hours in) took the sprocket back off the bike and used it as a frisbee into the wall...(8 hours in) took an hour break to watch some anime shows online.....(9 hours in) the last time i had the sprocket mounted up i noticed that the chain kept derailing toward the frame......so i took the sprocket and flipped it around..dish side towards the frame and put it back together.....still having same problem with the sprocket....has a wobble to it and the high side wont tighten down any further than it already has......mitigated the wobble as much as possible........and went to bed as i was tired and it was nearing 1:30 am already....DAY 2: today mounted the wheel back onto the bike and put the chain back on...pedaled a couple times to get the tire up to speed.....wobble on the sprocket was within the chain clearance zone.....tightened everything back down and flipped it right side up.....took it for a test run without the gas tank exhaust carb or spark plug to see how well it would do...chain made a couple noises but stayed on the sprocket.....IT STAYED ON THE SPROCKET ALLELUJIAH!!!!....then the coaster brake arm swung around and jammed into the frame............forgot to put the little retaining bolt back in...........fixed that problem.....remounted the gas tank, carb, exhaust, and hooked everything back together....fired it up and it ran with the motor running....full throttled it.....and it ran......took it around the block.......and it ran!!!!!!!!.....havent had any more problems wit it yet......so long as it keeps running everything will be ok.....will update periodically with more information........ELI
it was a lot of work i admit. but it was a lot of work to get the bike the way I wanted it to be.......also i finally put my CNS carb on today....didnt have to adjust it at all...had enough clearance between the motor and the seat tube that i was able to use my stock intake manifold.////also didnt have to adjust the fuel/air screw at all.. :) one less thing.....now all i have to do is get the motor broken in all the way and i should be set.
I'm glad to hear that your bike is working good now; but you probably could've saved a lot of time (& headaches) by searching this forum for "how to install the rear sprocket" first... (it's been talked about at least 1000 times.) ;)