wanna be part of it


minor bike philosopher
Okay. I'm writing a short story, novella or novel on my blog i have no idea what it will be in the end. If you would like to be part of the creative process, feel free to read it and comment on each episode. It will help me write the next part. All suggestions taken seriously.

I can guarantee you that you will not make any money but you might have some fun. Not only that feel free to tell everyone you wrote it. LOL
Deacon, I wish I could be as creative as you when it comes to writing like that. If I could write that well I'd publish a book. But alas when it comes to writing short stories or even long stories I suck.:(
ah but we all have ideas. toss yours out and help an old man move this story forward. For instance, what did mike do before he retired. I haven't decided yet.
Ah ha I see I see. Mike is retired CIA. He lived his entire career in secrecy and now it has just become a way of life for him..........
now there is a thought lol. I could tell you but then id have to kill you lol..

and i was thinking garbage man... Or accountant on his own for the first time trying to cope... Still there is some merit in your idea
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