Vintage Sachs engine - The original gas powered bicycle.


New Member
as the title states...

This one was made back in the late 60's early 70's... it's been sitting in my garage for a few months, I got it with the purpose of restoring it but have not had anytime to do that. Original everything, including paint. Brake cables are not hooked up, but are included. The headlight is also not hooked up, but is in working condition.

The Sachs engine model number 7660920 (hub-r 47). the frame is DKW 621 HIPPIE (GOOD CONDITION)

looking to sell this on craigslist to a good home, to an owner that will bring this classic back to life.

Here are some pics.

any Idea of the shipping cost to Kansas City,Missouri(USA),and the price of the bike?

I'm not sure what the exact cost would be, i'm sure it would be high, possibly $200.00, this would be coming from canada.

I live in toronto, ontario.. sorry I didn't mention that, lol..
I saw Toronto in your join date on the right that is why I thought I would ask as shipping would be part of the total cost
Priceless....shipping not included! That is a neat old moped....think Penton, Sachs and who made the stainless nickle frames with the light blue fiberglass tank and fenders? Yeah, that's a collector's dream right there! Wow.dance1

Kinda looks like an old!
Last edited: my youth i drove a bike like this.......
you can get in germany parts to restore it for little money.....
I really wish I could restore it. My wife is working now and I have to watch our son while shes gone. Spare time has become nonexistent. Any spare time I get is used to work on my hydrogen cell/trike build. That is a time killer in itself...

Wooo,,,,,Ok I want to here about the hydrogen cell trike,I'm ready..........

Hydrogencell ? awesome idea ! tell us more details, please...

lol... Well... (background story, long speech)

This is inspired by videos and documents I seen including patents for simple conversion without redesign. Where you can substitute propane with hydrogen without much modification to the vehicle.

I came across some information that in theory you could convert a 4stroke engine into a 2stroke hybrid. Using hho as the substitute you can get around the 2stroke oil/gas mix needed to lube the engine.

I'm solely basing my idea of this design because it seems possible to achieve from everything I have researched.

I've seen videos of people pumping hho into a lawnmower just by holding the hose over and in the open gas tank.

What I have to work with

1x 49cc 4 stroke engine kit (bought off ebay) $249.99
1x 16plate hydrogen dry cell. $65.00 (meaning ALOT less heat and no water spitting, better production)
2x homemade bubblers from pvc pipe and a homemade flash black flashback arrestor (home depot)
2x 12volt slim batteries I took out of an old power wheels motorcycle. (not sure if I only need 1, but have 2 just in case more production is needed, plus they are nice and slim)
I have to create an electrical control system, I just haven't come up with the design yet..

I have a chopper style bicycle with trike conversion on rear, which I plan on adding a box to house my whole setup, nice and clean that way.. just haven't decided if I should make the box from see through plexiglass.

Some drawbacks I can see in my mind are how to regulate the flow of hho to increase speed using the throttle.. I can't decide if I have to feed the hho directly into the intake, and don't need a carburetor at all because hho has oxygen already in it.. it's ready to burn basically... But this is all just mental theory and alot of research that's pushing me to try this, and if it doesn't work.. I'll ask why and try to solve the problem... Hope it doesn't take years, and hope I can make it happen.

Here are the link to the design I have chosen to go with, this is theory

Here's another guy that has his motorcycle running on hho completely YouTube - A Motorcycle that runs on PURE Water. (by the way, I'm guessing the mix is just simple electrolyte.. mystery solved)

And this gentlemen made his vechile run solely off it. this video is from like the late 80's or early 90's... He died of food poisoning later in life.. (hmmm)

YouTube - Car RUNS on HHO! H2O better than Electric

That's my plan, I have yet to start the project, because I have just finished getting the parts. But I have worked on the bike, it needed some work, bought it from a yard sale. This is my idea.. so any feedback is welcome...

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I have been a follower of hho which is what you get when splitting water molicules into their separate components,, hho "explodes" and "expands" to produce power,,the annimation is only correct in the fact that it is a 4 cycle motor but the hho would act like a natural gas or propane conversion as in fork-lifts ,city trucks that were converted etc(hho does not implode or shrink to produce the power) It is possible and reasonable to run on hho,we are just looking for converters that can make enough hho to operate the motor,the spark arestors are very important beacause you are using the hho combination which contains the oxygen in it that makes it a potentially explosive combustable pre-mix of gases,,,if the hydrogen and oxygen were separated they would be be safe as propane,,The bubblers should be made of lite plastic with snap on/pop off lids untill you are positive about the spark arestors beacause they(the bubblers)are potential bombs(no kidding)if the spark arestor fails,,,and a loud bang w/lite plastic srhatnal is much safer than PVC pieces(they would hit like gernade fragments,deadly)

hho is an explosive pre-mixed combo

h or hydrogen is ON ITS OWN as safe as a gas bar-b-Q,or stove beacause the o or oxygen is comming from the outside source and will burn as such

There has to be ,some where ,a video of how we were taught in school to separate hydrogen and oxygen from water into separate containers,it was simple

hydrogen is the wood for the fire (fuel)
oxygen is what makes it explosive(blowing extra air on the fire to make it burn faster)

please watch more hho vids and be safe
I have been a follower of hho which is what you get when splitting water molicules into their separate components,, hho "explodes" and "expands" to produce power,,the annimation is only correct in the fact that it is a 4 cycle motor but the hho would act like a natural gas or propane conversion as in fork-lifts ,city trucks that were converted etc(hho does not implode or shrink to produce the power) It is possible and reasonable to run on hho,we are just looking for converters that can make enough hho to operate the motor,the spark arestors are very important beacause you are using the hho combination which contains the oxygen in it that makes it a potentially explosive combustable pre-mix of gases,,,if the hydrogen and oxygen were separated they would be be safe as propane,,The bubblers should be made of lite plastic with snap on/pop off lids untill you are positive about the spark arestors beacause they(the bubblers)are potential bombs(no kidding)if the spark arestor fails,,,and a loud bang w/lite plastic srhatnal is much safer than PVC pieces(they would hit like gernade fragments,deadly)

hho is an explosive pre-mixed combo

h or hydrogen is ON ITS OWN as safe as a gas bar-b-Q,or stove beacause the o or oxygen is comming from the outside source and will burn as such

There has to be ,some where ,a video of how we were taught in school to separate hydrogen and oxygen from water into separate containers,it was simple

hydrogen is the wood for the fire (fuel)
oxygen is what makes it explosive(blowing extra air on the fire to make it burn faster)

please watch more hho vids and be safe

to separate the gases would mean you would have to store hydrogen in tanks, instead of on demand production. I don't want to separate the gases because it doesn't seem like you have to. I've already put together my bubblers with pcv pipe, I've seen them used to house hho cells aswell, but they do over heat.. I'm not using a submerged cell, I'm using a dry cell.. the 2x bubblers are used to purify the gas by filtering it through water.

I see hydrogen fuel up stations as a way for oil companies to still coin money off the people. If hydrogen can be produced on demand ready to burn, why separate the gas? It seems people don't need to..

in that video he mentions a motorcycle being able to be converted to run solely off it... that video of that guy with his motorcycle sorta proves that does it not?...

Testing has to happen, I can theorize as much as possible, but I'm no expert.. I need to get dirty here..
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The spark arestors are the most important part of the system that you want ,the rest is pretty forgiving "IF" no fire goes back up the tube,as before the oxygen is already in the HHO as a mix ,and it is explosive if it ignites in a tube or container it not just a gas that you light by hand,,,if you have an cutting torch,get some baloons,put out your smokes and fill one balloon with a paper wic 1 meter long w/just gas,,tape it to a shouvel that you already placed in the yard,and lite the wick and run away,,,,,,now light the torch and adjust the oxygen as if to braze metal,dip the end in a bucket of water to put out the flame and fill a balloon w/2 meter wick this tome with the still flowing gas mix,tape it imediatly to the shouvel ,lite the fuse and run back at least 25 meters min.cover your ears and may want safty glasses

there is a big difference when oxygen is in the mix

might do this away from population and windows also

I am all for hydrogen as a renewable almost free fuel ,and I want a hydrogen generator (they already make them ) if possible before the oil companies tie it up
The spark arestors are the most important part of the system that you want ,the rest is pretty forgiving "IF" no fire goes back up the tube,as before the oxygen is already in the HHO as a mix ,and it is explosive if it ignites in a tube or container it not just a gas that you light by hand,,,if you have an cutting torch,get some baloons,put out your smokes and fill one balloon with a paper wic 1 meter long w/just gas,,tape it to a shouvel that you already placed in the yard,and lite the wick and run away,,,,,,now light the torch and adjust the oxygen as if to braze metal,dip the end in a bucket of water to put out the flame and fill a balloon w/2 meter wick this tome with the still flowing gas mix,tape it imediatly to the shouvel ,lite the fuse and run back at least 25 meters min.cover your ears and may want safty glasses

there is a big difference when oxygen is in the mix

might do this away from population and windows also

I am all for hydrogen as a renewable almost free fuel ,and I want a hydrogen generator (they already make them ) if possible before the oil companies tie it up

I have a homemade flash back arrestor.. and I seen that yankee video too of those guys popping hho balloons. I have steps in place... since I already have the kit, it's easy enough to put a torch on it, I was already going to use hho in a torch form to melt my scrap silver, for a propane torch would burn dirty, give a dark color mix.

believe me I've been around the web, I still see it possible.

here's a sit-on-bomb hydrogen bicycle design. (this is separated gas) you must load a hydrogen canister that is refillable for a fee of course.
YouTube - First Hydrogen Bike
I thought I had watched all the vids(hours and hours of vids),,,that is what I'm saying though the pure hydrogen supply tank is like a BB-Q propane tank,or a Bic lighter as far as safty,(no oxygen in the gas)Theirs is for electric and I would like to know how hard it was to get the clean Hydrogen for the elec.cell,guess I need to call the welding gas supply companyand quit guessing lol,,the oxygen is brought in from a different area to mix in the cell , for the elec set-up, that is why the tank on the bike is safe enough to not worry about any more than carrying a Bic lighter(compressed gas lighter)