Using Win 10 now


Well-Known Member
Waited til the last. My Win 7 computer came with online free upgrade to be used or loosed some years back. I stashed away the extra hdd with the 7 uped to 10. Now it works fine, but using my desktop email program Thunderbird had issues enough that at least I got some to work, and the rest I just resorted to web based email from ISP that offered them. I may see about the one this supposed to be part of windows if I can find an figure it out. For a moment I thought the computer could not handle Win 10 and made it slow. It was just that each time you swap one drive out and boot another different hdd it goes slow just for a while. Next boots faster. I am concerned though I need to back up this HDD as there is nothing that came with the computer saying back up except for win 7 recovery. No more free upgrade. Mostly I liked using a complete extra hdd that I cloned a whole copy that is bootable. Not simple image that needs time to expand and populate a new hdd if something happens. I used many of these programs that make clones. Trouble is I thought the last one was good, till it did not work. More important is if in the process the originating hdd becomes unusable and the clone also fails. Then you dead in the water. I think an image version created first and see if it can recreate another 2 hdd with win 10. Clone is quicker but that after I have at least 2 copies of win 10 that works with my PC and has all the drivers and programs on it. So this is Bo Derek?
I haven't used my computer for much for a while now, mostly to view and save game camera pictures. I only have a laptop, I upgraded it to 10 as soon as the free upgrade was offered. I do everything online now on my tablet or phone. I do used the laptop for letters because of the keyboard and word programs.
I did not see where I could make a bootable image that would not crash. I check the hdd and it has a lot of folders and files I put on the original drive but there are no programs and it hung up in the process of copying so I know it can't boot. What I did get was the Home version Win 7 to Win 10. I got all the Win 10 updates for 18XX and did find it was out of support but gave updates anyway for some reason. Still I found free to get new version Win 10 with update to 1909 and it goes out of support in 2022 so I have a working Win 10 that's up to date with a more than 5 year old laptop. I made a CD with a recovery boot for Win 10, but no System Disk, so I am still going to see what back up software I can get to make an image an or clone that has everything on the drive and is bootable. Everything works quite fast and it has security of all sort already built in Windows Defender. I have Avg for more than 1 computer or hdd or even if not expect I could ask to transfer to hdd with win 10 now, if it is worth it not sure. Happy as I was about to think the slow moving $%*(*& was the way it was. It seems it was just getting all the updates and rev update.
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The computer eventually still went back to very slow. A new computer now with 10 works fine and using clones cannot do as the HDD is not user removable without voiding warranty. Guess it is soldered to Mother Board. I did think of returning it when battery kept going down over night when the computer was shut down. Finally found that the Configuration using F2 Key set at USB Always On option selected to ON. My Wireless Trackball Transmitter, the tiny thing in the USB port was eating up the battery juice from 100 down to 85 percent over night. After turning it OFF I can leave the transmitter plugged in and come back seeing at 100 percent charge on the battery. Also the cooler pad on USB would have alerted me but I had it disconnected when with only 2 USB ports it was not in use as I was using the printer. I expect I'll get a USB Hub to have more USB connections. The cooler pad I suppose I could have another separate power supply as it does not have data transfer only power.
Rather than start a new thread thought maybe some one uses internet on there computer. Key thing is what is called a power line extender and with HomePlug AV standards. For all of about 50 dollars for a max 600mbs speed extender using two plug ins to the wall outlets you can extend the range of Ethernet for your internet connection, not wirelessly, but it uses the neutral line of your house wall outlets. One of the boxes does have both cable and WiFi and the end further away from your modem, which allows WiFi to be further away that it would be otherwise. The problem I have heard may sometime be the case with 3 phase wiring, but it described neural line is the same connection on all phases and should work, just maybe not as well. I know there are two separate breaker boxes, but it is still the neural line is the same for all is what I am thinking. I have to check with the maintenance guy how it is. I only got so far two outlets I tried using distance 75ft apart on one breaker box to have internet connection through put OK. It is supposed to go a little over 900 feet (300 meters). May return the item if can't get it to do better. Anyone use this stuff and have debugged the likes of this stuff?
I decided that I will probably return the device and connect using Cat6 cable to the repeater I have doing a first WiFi hop across private road. The second longer distance through the Cat6 water proof direct bury cable. I'm making my own shielded external ground connector crimps. Turns out I lucked out since larger jacket on some Cat6 cables would have a hard time with foil fitting in the strain relief area of the crimp. I've seen where removing the foil and just using the drain wire crimp is done. External Ground Connector uses a separate crimp that allows for large cable cover easily. The pass through connector tool and connectors I am getting as they are more precise and easier to get good crimps. The trimming is done automatically, but I saw where leaving too much wire to be trimmed will cause problems with the auto trim crimp combined. Good videos on Youtube.

Last and important is the use to couple two cables together at one spot I am going to do with waterproof connector. I asked on Amazon if there is a crossover result in the cable when using the male RJ45 to Male RJ45 cable with Female RJ45 to Female RJ45 water proof adapter to Male RJ45 to Male RJ45 cable. Well you see the answer was maybe and direct from third party seller the overseas manufacturer. Then another person answered, another buyer of the adapter said they did not know as they did not get the item yet. He would let me know when he gets the item. I sure hope he uses a ohm meter and finds out that way first. The reason I know so well is that way back when Centronics cables were used on computer to printers, I used two connected together for extra length. When smoke happened and it was not the computer but a peripheral going .....

I do plan on using two of the connectors with short pieces of cable and have the colored wires all separated so I can ohm out the adapter. Probable would be nice also to get two female RJ45 Receptacles so I can have a setup to connect and Ohm Out anything and not rely on specs from companies that say may.

Some things use Tri-State Logic on some electronic busses for input / output, TX / RX, using buffers that have high impedance when in the off state. Having sexless connectors or anything that never allows for connections to have different connections resulting depending on how you connect A to B would be best.

ANDERSON POWER PRODUCTS is one that is good for power for two conductor connections and there are others for coax RF, but using many pins and possibility when having things go wrong, it is best to Ohm Out, Ring Out, what ever you may call it.
