Under New Ownership

I'm gonna go with kicked out.
We took over the production rights to all Manic Mechanic products. Jim or Karen DO NOT work with us or for us in any way shape of form. Jim's company was across the street from us which is now vacant.
Hey Neil (MBR)... Why are you still defending 'Manic Mechanic' if it's not owned by Jim anymore?

'Geo' is the one posting here offering his parts for sale... So why don't you just let 'Geo' answer all of these questions about his new company?, (& you stay out of it)???

You called me on the phone this morning, & if what you say is true about MM being owned by some new guy named 'George' (who you've never met); you really don't have any reason to keep defending the 'Manic Machanic' shop anymore!
Your actions are making a lot of people wonder if Jim (your friend that you've always defended) is really gone at all?!? :-{[

I think Neil made it as clear as possible. If you don't believe him, you can give me a call yourself and I can try to explain it to you. George
P.S. It's true Jim is gone]