Twin engine Tandem trike


New Member
Been lurking a while. So far ive done 4 bikes and a hybrid Schwinn town and country and a schwinn twinn tandem. I decided the trike rear end wasn't up too the task . I built a new rear end .widened 16 inches. works good . Two engines one on each wheel.So my biggest project so far is a tandem twin engine trike.
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welcome to our world of the motorized bicycle. would love to see some pictures of your bike. sounds like great fun
heres photos of the twin engine tandem trike.


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Right on! Twin lover myself. Nice to see a few around here and there. Unique idea with the tandem trike. If I had RV parking perhaps I would consider a build of this size as well.
That is so neat and everything is tidy and neat. Like Labrat says, sure be Kool behind my motor home. Have to think about that...................Curt