Trouble With Engine Bogging Down.. Any Suggestions?


New Member
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Hi everyone! Greetings from Alabama! (Roll Tide, yee-haw, and what-not)

So, I've been having trouble with my bike bogging down when I pull back on the throttle above 10 MPH. I have the Grubee Skyhawk GT-5 Motor with the CNS aftermarket Carb. I've tried making the fuel-oil less rich (24:1) and I have also made sure that my gasket in the carbureter is not leaking (had to replace it with a piece of split 3/4'' PVC pipe, which I have sealed with heat-resistant electrical tape). I have also tried fooling with the fuel/air mixture screw a good bit, with limited and often fleeting success. When I made my fuel mixture less rich, the engine ran much louder.. If you have any suggestions or tips they would be much appreciated. As I said before, I am new to this, so if you wouldn't mind putting things in lamen's terms.. Thanks!
I'd like to help ya, but my bike slows when i pull the throttle back from 10mph too... That in mind, and on a serious side, (My Opinion only) I would go 32:1, I use synthetic oil, get a new spark-plug(B5HS) and wire from NAPA etc... lot's of people having issues with the CNS carb, get the Mix right with the gas, get a good plug and wire, run in flat out(after warm up) for about a mile and "read" the plug. Post results, we can go from there. as far as the PVC pipe thing. . ... check with Pirate cycles(<<<look to left on side of page), they should have a manifold and adapter to hook you up.

Someone suggested raising the fuel needle? How do I do this in a CNS carb?

thats the best thread iv'e seen about this type of carb, it doesn't really tell you how to take it apart but looking at it you should get an idea, anyways theres 2 screws in the top of it, on a plate, theres 2 cables going into this plate (black rubber pieces and cables), take out those 2 screws and DO NOT LOSE THE WASHERS there very small so be careful. anyways from there you have a black plastic or rubber type thing, pull the brass piece out (theres a V spring holding it down, don't lose that either) move the little circle pin up or down as needed and put it back together.

that black piece is notched and inside the carb theres a thing that liens up with it, make sure you line them up or you'll have a hard time putting those 2 screws back in, AND you will have done it the wrong way too boot, good luck.
i had the same problem , and some will say your running too lean, but thats not always the case, take out your spark plug and look at it closely, if it appears to be very wet and black, then your running too rich, if its white and dry then your running too lean, it should be a light stale brown color, but not black, also be sure theres no carbon buildup on the plug because it will affect where the spark goes, it needs to arc to the tip.
I had the same problem with a GT5. After fighting with it for 200 miles I finally moved the clip up to the top position and it runs fine now.