triple hybred.


minor bike philosopher
I talked about doing it before now I'm rethinking it thanks to norman. I can mount a friction drive electric engine on my gasoline engine. Why you ask?

Well for one thing I use brushed engines that turn into generators when the engine spins faster than the motor calls for. Ie when the gasoline engine is used. So I have a good starter motor to push it even up hill while I start the gas engine. Also an emergency drive engine to get me home in case the gas engine fails.

I can also ride it on th bike trail using the electric engine and recharge the batteries when I ride it home. It seems very doable. Especially since I'm not into speed. Also very small batteries would do since they are not the only source of power.
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I'm thinking about this too. Have you learned anything more about doing this? It would be nice to have the electric drive for starting from a standstill, and also so I can go on bike trails without leaving honest bikers in a plume of loud and oily 2-stroke smog.

Do you know of a certain kit that would work well for this function?
The only thing that makes this even a little bit of a headache is the battery weight. I put them on a the rear rack recently and the bike was so out of balance it tossed my butt really quickly. The doing of it is very simple since I have two electric motors with drive wheels laying about. I also have the two sla batteries here. I really should hook it up just to be different.

Don't know of a kit but if you are a welder I can tell you how to make one cheap. If you check out my blog the before and after picture of the transylvania chopper could easily be combined to make what we are talking about.
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I'm sure you could, but that is a lot of engine for a secondary system. I'm not sure it would work on less than 36volts it is a controller system some of them shut down if the voltage drops.

This is the motor I sold on ebay. I have two more like it. They are twenty four volt. They will also run on 12 volt but only half the power. It is the kind of system I can put on my bike tomorrow and just might do that. You have me thinking that way again.

electric bike motor kit (sorta) - eBay (item 230233755933 end time Mar-26-08 08:17:59 PDT)

If I get this and it works, I might go looking for a smaller batter say two 12 volt five amp hour batteries. That would cut my weight by about 30 percent. I have a luggage rack on the back of my bike that would support the batteries. Since I run a twenty inch wheel on the bike the center of gravity would be lower. It might workout pretty well.

I'll give it a try just to experiment and let you know how it goes.
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I mounted the electric motor and batteries this morning and I'm going to try this mess later when the sun peeks out for just a minute or two. My main concern is all the crap on my handle bars. I have a clutch lever and on off switch on the left one.. A brake and throttle lever on the right one. I am sure as the devil going to get them mixed up and kiss a tree today lol.
Don't do this. I have ruined a tire to prove a point. There is way too much weight to pull with the friction drive. I have pulled that bike and me with a friction drive no problem but add that china girl kit and it is just way too heavy. It will move the bike but too slow to start the engine. It would not move it up a hill at all. Just a total waste of energy to pull around. I took it off and the bike did fine so it wasn't a problem with the bike drag I don't think.

Although with the new wheel it does run a little slower on the pedals. I can't tell about the engine since it is a bit cold and damp I came home after a short track test mile. I'll give the new wheel a complete run out tomorrow
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