Trials offroad motor bike??

Yes. It would be a disaster in my opinion. What on earth would make you want to do such a thing, lol?

IF you're crazy enough to want to ride Bike Trials on an MB, build a bike up from a frame with a HT motor center mounted in frame, and a CHAIN drive. No other way to go if you want it to work. Friction drive os for dry, flat ground, when you can't afford or can't install a chain driven system.

Good luck!
no worries. I think that bike trials with a motor bike would be fun but fraught with engineering challenges and may not be a very reliable build, but don't listen to me, build away! Let's hear more about what you want to do with it!

Sort of thinking about a JEEP OF THE TRAIL kind of bike. For getting somewhere in the wilderness (as allowed) and doing stealth camping and survival. Thinking combination electric, for stealth; and motor for long distance.

just dreaming and planning so far. No action other than buying a motor to play with.
I could see that. use a 50t sprocket and pull steep grades. I would ask Jim of creative engineering what sprocket would be best. Then maybe a custom muffler like a scooter muffler to cut the sound down to a whisper. With the low gearing it would work. you will lose a bit of the rpm but the sound would be worth it.
I could see that. use a 50t sprocket and pull steep grades. I would ask Jim of creative engineering what sprocket would be best. Then maybe a custom muffler like a scooter muffler to cut the sound down to a whisper. With the low gearing it would work. you will lose a bit of the rpm but the sound would be worth it.

I like the scooter muffler idea, so has anyone used one to quiet the engine even more? Need stealth badly. This seems like it could work. Little expensive.

Model 3S Mufflers

Was forgetting that I need to have the engine run all the time, as I need to tap into the torque to get the bike to climb over things.
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That got me thinking. That Model 3s muffler said though suppress sound add more washers that are the way a gun silencer works. Washer soft spacer washer soft spacer, so on and so on. I think it would be interesting to research baffle systems to see what would be the most surprising and still not lose too much horse power. I seen on another thread that flex pipe quiets the noise also. I could see cutting a galvanized thin wall pipe in two halves and on one side weld a washer like baffle then space and washer and so on, twist screen onto donuts to put in-between the washer like baffles and then weld the it back together and cap the end with a small down pipe. Also I know the Honda express muffler is very quiet, if you can find them on eBay.
I have done some Observed Trials (I was no good) and this bike would have worked some for that. You cannot expect a motor to withstand too much shock from jumping 10 ft drops and what not. The balance is very good and I did not find it much different from my HT bike except for less power. I did braze the rack onto the frame so there was no shifting of the motor. I actually got to watch Hans Rey do some show stuff at a Bike show in Long Beach back in 1985 or so. He could ride up and down and across anything with his trials bikes... I would never (almost) say never, so go for it if you are good at balance and strength. You really need a solid mounted motor and extra strong frame and parts to make this work.


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