Too hot to ride,,,


Active Member
And the bike is currently waiting on parts Anywho, soooo

slot cars
Use to race them, had a half doz. guys that would get together and take turns racing around the track. It was also fun to see what kind of different car you could build and fit on chassis............Curt
I’d love to get a few more, I wish I still had more of mine from my urchin days, I had a little Datsun pickup that was quick
Yes wish i had a track now, we got big headed and did a 25 scale track 4 lanes. Made our own brass tube frames under a bright pink 41 Whillys LOL. Use to dip the motor and gears in carbon tetacloried run them to clean, then hypodermic needle with speed odmitor cable lube just before a race. But the most fun was with a hand full of guys and a track like yours, 3 or 4 guys had tracks in there basement, take turns winter months..........Curt