To clutch or not to clutch


Hey all
I would like some feed back as I can not decide. I am prepairing 2 PK 69ers for Mumzie and me for a pair of dirt bicycles. I bought 2 pull start kits and 2 centrafugal clutch kits ( automatic ) and I am trying to figure out if I need to hook up the cable at all? Why would I...It's in neutral off the get go and if I want to pedel start the auto clutch kicks in not too much after idle speed. Any thoughts ? Thanks...POPS

I started to answer your post, but then I realized I wasn't exactly sure what you have, or what you're trying to accomplish, so I passed.

What is a PK 69er? And what dirt bikes?

Sorry for my ignorance on terminology...I'm new to MB's, but not new to how they work!

I'm assuming you have a happy time 2 stroke engine with centrifigul clutch and dual start (pedal and pull).

I am assuming by "cable" you mean the manual clutch cable. The answer is that that the manual clutch is needed if you wish to pedal the bike without the engine running. Its your call.

I started to answer your post, but then I realized I wasn't exactly sure what you have, or what you're trying to accomplish, so I passed.

What is a PK 69er? And what dirt bikes?

Sorry for my ignorance on terminology...I'm new to MB's, but not new to how they work!


Sorry Jim for my terminology and thanks for the reply. PK 69ers = Powerking 80's...apparently 68 point somthing CC= 69ers. The dirt bicycles I am referring to are in the planning stages. Full suspension dirt like bicycles for us to roam little trails up on the mountain where we live. What I guess I would really like to know is how fast could I peddle before the auto clutch really would kick in as it would only be for emergencies to get home peddeling. POPS (Rick) PS...All the stuff you've done is awesome!!!!! Keep up the good work my friend. You are a large assett to this sight and MB's...POPS
The centrifugal clutch only engages when the engine spins the drum and causes the clutch shoes to grip the bell. Therefore you can pedal your heart out, it wont engage the engine.
O.K. got it!

As milegajo pointed out, a typical centrifugal clutch is not bi-directional. From the photos I found, this is a typical clutch. You will not be able to pedal start it.

I haven't had one of these; but I'm guessing the centrifugal add-on renders the original clutch useless in terms of function. Just make sure the original clutch is adjusted properly so that it is always fully engaged. I can't see why you would want to install the cable and handle either.

"PS...All the stuff you've done is awesome!!!!! Keep up the good work my friend. You are a large assett to this sight and MB's...POPS"

Thanks Rick!

I've got a few MB things planned for this year. I just have to get it done..weld