tip for ebikers


minor bike philosopher
Most of us have wanted to attach a sprocket to the rear wheel of a bike and leave the chain sproket and free wheel on the chain side alone. I found a way today I think to mount a scooter motor to the left side of the rear wheel on a mountain bike.

If you remove the sprocket from the freewheel on a coaster bike you can grind off the ears. With the ears gone it will fit exactly over the hub of the rear wheel of a mountain bike on the side that does not contain the sprocket cluster. It is like the sprocket of a chain bike kit without the need for the fiber washer.

I have one that I welded a #25 48 tooth sprocket to. So now I have it ready to weld to the hub.; I am waiting to pick up a new welder and to decide what kind of bike I want to put this on. I have a scooter motor and motor holder from a schwinn scooter. The motor is 600 watts at 24v but I'm going to run it at 36v it will give me 800 watts since that is all the controller will deliver. The schwinn scooter's motor mount attaches to the wheel's axle so this should be a nice bike when I finish it.

The tip though is that you can make a coaster brake sprocket, easily fit the off side of a mountain bike wheel. If you do this it will work pretty well as a ebike I think. I'll let you know how it does.
Well I got the bike all together and even thought I tested it the motor will not run backwards under even a small load. I have one that will so when I get past being upset with myself. I'm going to switch them out.
Deacon is that motor a brushed motor? if so can you make it run backwards by messing with the brushes? or wiring it different? I should of paid more attention to my Dad as he did electric motor repairs when he was alive that old boy could rewind any electric motor he even made his own rewinding machine. We casted the parts in our basement when I was a kid. Casting metal is a hoot I need to start doing that again.
yes brushed but it isnt the motor its the darn clutch or freewheel whatever that is... Usually all I have to do is write it backwards and I did. It went weeeeeeeee and the sprocket didn't move. It was free wheeling.