throttle has no oomph


New Member
hello everyone,
its me again, and as always having some issues. i got the bike to turn over and run, but im having some trouble with the throttle. did finally get my exhaust tube bent enough that my pedals will finally clear it without it rubbing and its not messing up the chain tensioner so yay to that. now im having some trouble with the throttle not getting any oomph to it. basically whats going on is i have to hold the throttle wide open and pedal to get the motor up to speed. the motor will sustain the max speed that i can pedal but will not accelerate. it slows down when i let off the throttle and have to pedal again to get it back up to speed. im not really sure if it could be my throttle cable is too loose or maybe if its the boost bottle thats keeping it down but the thing just isnt accelerating. any suggestions?
wll i think i figured out what the problem was......the intake manifold for the boost system is broken. havent tried a test with a different manifold yet but will try it on the way to work and see if that fixed the problem.
so here it is. aparantly when my intake manifold broke (cheap pot metal one that came with the boost bottle kit) a small piece of it flew into the cylinder housing and proceeded to eat a 1/8" groove all the way down the cylinder housing. marred it up really proper it did. i dont think its fixable this time. groove is too deep to fix. and also it blasted a good ole hole in the top and side of the piston. luckily or unluckily the first piston ring stopped it. gonna have to get a new cylinder housing and new piston. at least the thing still runs albeit not well so i can still get back and forth to work. anyone know if there is a way to fix it or have an extra piston/cylinder housing they arent using? ill buy it offa ya real cheap like.
well i just ordered my new top end from gasbike. i wanted to get a new motor all together but couldnt afford it, so got a new piston/piston pin/top end for it for 54 bucks instead. plus free shipping. i doubt they will send retaining clips for it so im gonna order those from bikeberry next. should be ok to mix and match....i hope....luckily i have enough time and patience while im at work to get all this done......i didnt see or hear any extra peices of material clinking around in the lower end and the bike still runs albeit with bad compression so im going to try to get away with the quick fix. i hope this time it all comes together well so i can finally test out my new expansion chamber to full throttle and also install my cns carb and get it tuned in about a week i should be flying down the service roads at almost the speed of traffic. :) i hope so. i really do. and if not i can always take a baseball bat to the thing.........
ey man, You should be able to re-use your G-clips. While you have the top-end off, you should get a can of brake cleaner; turn her upside down and give'r a good blast, just to be sure. Who knows where that chunk ended up...

Good luck, you'll get her screaming yet! :)
lol ive already gotten ahold of the chunk....was about half the size of a rice grain. and was imbedded in the cylinder wall so wasnt that hard to pick it out.... i think im going to have it and the cheapo manifold it came off of framed and put a caption on it reading hundred dollar mistake......50 for the boost kit and 50 for the new top end that i had to buy to replace the broken one...... brake cleaner huh.....can i use WD40 instead? dont really want to have to go out and buy more stuff than is really necessary.
WD40 is garbage. You would be better off rinsing it out with rubbing alcohol than using WD40.
what if i pass a magnet along the inside......think that will work to pick up any loose material in the crankcase? i never did find the rest of my first set of piston rings......
While a magnet would pick up ferrous (magnetic) material, any aluminum down in there would not get picked up. Also good luck with guiding a magnet around inside there with the flywheels. Short of a full tear down and inspection, a through rinse with alcohol or gasoline (not pre-mix) is your best bet. Do not use paint thinner, laquer thinner, ect as they can damage the crankshaft seals.
Whatever you choose to use, be very careful not to start a fire!
kk i have a magnet on a stick that should work.....and as far as i know anything that was foreign down there would be magnetic as it is either a peice of my old intake manifold or a peice of a piston ring......ill see what i can do about getting some rubbing alcohol......i wonder if maybe some good ole drinking alcohol would work.....that way i can clean out my bottom end AND my bottom end.....:) it dont matter much either way as i still have to wait for the parts to come in.....gasbike is taking their sweet time processing my order this time.....