this is what happens if you dont get your cylinder mating surface smooth

i tried milling my cylinder down a little, i didnt think a little tiny swirl would matter you can see where it was leaking


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Sorry you had to learn that the hard way, Graydog. The gasket mating surface of the head and cylinder must be without imperfections.
Next time try lapping those two area with sandpaper and glass. Lots of discussion here on 'lapping'
Good luck and let us know how you do with this.

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Yeh man u cant leave those swirls from the end mill in the gasket surface.

Think of it like this . . . Those little swirls are like mini valleys and under high compression the gasket can not press into them so they act like little tiny ports to the outside and funnel fueland burnt gasses right oit of the chamber especialy the ones that go from the inside of the jug and arc to the outside those are the ones that will leak oit and cause a loss of compression

the mill work looks good but yo skipped a step ¡

you need to take that jug and sand it down on a plane of glass with sone 100grit sand paper till the swirl is gone then switch to 220 and sand it smooth then switch to 350 and sand that smooth

if you really wat to gwt fancy go get some valve lapping compound and lap the head to the jug and you wont eve need a gasket! !!!!!!