The Wuhan thing

Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
I am not saying either way if it's all real, or an overblown media (especially social media) sensation, but so far, I have not seen/known/heard of one person who has the covid. I know more people died from the flu in many years passed, maybe the "lockdown" worked?

Yes, we are on "lockdown". You can assume what you will about it, but I think everybody went waaaaay overboard on this.

You can't go back to work yet in several places, but you can play golf, go to the vape store, liquor agency, or bike shop and a lot of other "non essentials".

I think the worst part of it all is what it has done and will continue to do to our economy, and the economy world wide.

I too, don't know anybody personally who has had it. Still that isn't the weird part. What really seems strange is why there isn't an extremely large death toll in third world countries.

I remember a big Ebola outbreak in Africa several years back which had large death tolls. This primarily occurred due to the poor health care systems, bad sanitation systems, and media warning systems used in these poverty stricken countries.

Therefore, it seems like we should be seeing extremely high death tolls in third world countries.

If one looks back many years to the liberal prison system years. Prisoners were allowed many of the same privileges civilians have. Prison officials had very little control over the yard. The first thing that was done was to implement a cashless system. The next thing was to implement controlled movement. Finally uniforms and ID tags were required. Prisoners were told these changes were being put in place to better protect them and the staff.

We have been moving more and more into the cashless system. Plastic is the primary currency now. Is this the early phases of controlled movement we're going through now? Remember the next stage is a uniformed look and instant identification method. Is the mask the early phases of being told what you must wear?

Time will tell.
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One thing I have noticed is the utter lack of bicycle engine kits that don't come from china. If war does break out, it seems the only things available will be 2 $400+ kits with weed whacker engines (Staton/Golden Eagle) , and the Taiwan built Whizzer engines that sell for over $1000.
I hate to say I do know someone who had it and didn't survive, he was a couple years older than me and was in assisted living, he had been suffering from Alzheimer's for a few years.
I hate to say I do know someone who had it and didn't survive, he was a couple years older than me and was in assisted living, he had been suffering from Alzheimer's for a few years.
Greg, do you know if the nurses are being quarantined? I ask because a large percentage of Americans would test Corona positive with the antibodies long before this whole covid outbreak thing occured. My grandmother passed away recently but did not test positive but under the rules we had her funeral as a drive in at a parking lot.
I haven't heard, it's a tough situation to have to let go of a family member or friend that way. There wasn't a formal service you just sent condolences online.
Greg- sorry to hear that. I noticed that 90% of the case where people die are because they had a compromised immune system/were sick with cancer/ect.

But the flu has always taken that toll.
LR Jerry- Scary to think about that way.
The reason 3rd world countries are not being "overwhelmed" by the covid is the fact they have very few cell phones/computers/faceboob newsfeed/youtube to cause a panic-demic.
I will only add that I am NOT taking a vaccine/wearing what they tell me or any of that other crap. I won't just lay there an like it.

This is all "mark of the beast" type stuff.
LR Jerry- Scary to think about that way.
The reason 3rd world countries are not being "overwhelmed" by the covid is the fact they have very few cell phones/computers/faceboob newsfeed/youtube to cause a panic-demic.

I remember the Africa scare back around 2014. These poor people were even bleeding out their tear ducts. Bodies were piled up in mass graves. The news covered it for weeks. If there was large body counts in the third world the media would be there to sensationalize it. The closest thing is Brazil is starting to be occasionally mentioned.

We only have roughly 50 years until Population Threshold is reached. Population Threshold is the maximum species an eco system can maintain. Therefore changes have to be put in place now to slow reaching PT down. Eventually even with these measures the human species will have to seek out extraterrestrial habitation.

Strange times.
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