The new guy.


New Member
Apr 29, 2012
Jax Beach, FL
Hi all!
I'm the new guy. Like a few of you, my mom never let me get a motorbike, nor a scooter nor anything with two wheels other than a bicycle.
ten years later, here I am, still no motorbike. but it's about to change! :)

a couple weeks ago, I found a leaf blower in the trash (Poulan Pro BVM200VS 25cc), so as anybody would do, I took it home, tried to start it, didn't start, try to make it start. It's was the first time I was taking an engine appart (free stuff is always better for experimentations)...I checked a few videos online on how to troubleshooting small engines, took the carb appart and cleaned it... the rest was still in pretty good shape... and after a few hours/beers, it finally came back to life. When it did, I didn't put the exhaust back on it so it started, made some noise (BABABAAAARP) spitting all over, but I didn't care I was too excited (not my neighbor).

at the same time, I know I wanted to put it on my bike and make a motorized bike the cheapest way possible, so I started doing some researches for my different options and came across this AMAZING FORUM!
I came up with the conclusion to build a friction bike...

I'm going to start a thread of my build in the DIY section, so stay tuned!

Thank you all!