The Contraption


New Member
The Contraption?

While waiting for my mate to get home so I could get a bit of welding done on my trailer, I remembered that I had the rusty - seized link(s) minimoto chain sitting in oil to try and free it up. I'd already sat for ages with two pairs of pliers twisting the links this way and that and had managed to free them up a little. I thought there must be an easier/quicker way than this?
I took the back wheel off the minimoto and rigged up a couple of brackets on a board to hold the wheel, I then bolted my 36V 500Watt motor to the board and hooked up the chain and plugged in a battery.
Hey presto, the chain loosining contraption was born :D



I let the motor run while I dowsed the chain with lube and oil. Soon the chain stopped the knocking noise and was running sweet.

I was thinking of turning it upside down and hooking it up to the back of my bike laff

Cool stuff. I'm amazed, because I would be too lazy to put together all that stuff (and I AM lazy). I've done it twice in my life (seized chain repair) and both times I was using electric drill and two spare sprockets and a wise.
There is a great familiarity to me about your approach.
I see a trailer made out of a wheelchair back there?
Oh yeah, my dad used to play the pipes. Still got them up on a shelf.