I made a "hybrid" back when I was still messing with friction drives, had a 'Zap' electric friction behind the seatpost and a old "chainsaw" rack mount friction (33cc, bdamned if I can remember the brand). While the KISS principal is a good code to live by, there's nothing like a bit of redundancy to get ya home lol
It's true it was a touch on the heavy side, but separate from the usual woes of friction drives it was a wonderful machine! I'd use the gas motor for "highway" and rural roads, then shut it down and use the electric when I was in town as not to irritate the relatively psychotic coppers there.
Best yet I'd use both to assist getting up to speed and/or the getting up the steepest hills. I NEVER wanted to pedal the bdang thing cause of the weight and the fact it was a single speed - but I never had to. Even starting it I'd just use the electric to get up to speed then engage the gas motor to pop start it.
only thing I didn't like about that bike was the friction drives and that was only cause of rain and living on a dirt road at the time. What with electric hub motors and these chinagirl chain drives - I see LOTS of potential for an absolutely awesome hybrid (tribrid?). Remember you don't need nearly the battery reserve as a pure electric so this would cut down some of the weight/expense.
As some electrics will gather a charge while coasting - this could help top off the batteries while underway with the gas motor. My 'Zap' was supposed to be able to do this, but I never really noticed as my battery pack was old and decrepit on that build. A shame the mag on these china motors doesn't put out more juice, but I suppose that's something that could be worked on.
If it wasn't for just the expense of a electric hub, I'd be on this myself - I love the stealth mode, let alone the fuel savings (not that mine uses a lot lol). I say go for it if you have the resources!!!
The "cool factor" alone is worth the build

oh right - it'd also most likely be 2 wheel drive, how cool is THAT?