Test an EV Global w/dead batteries?


Well-Known Member
I am moving to a state where gas assisted bikes are illegal, so I'm trading my china girl for an ebike.
A fellow is interested in trading his 36v EV Clobal to me but the batteries are shot. Is there a way for me to verify that the controller and hub motor are sound? Could I jumper 12v current from my car through the bike to verify controiller and motor operation? The ebike appears to be in great shape otherwise.
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I wouldn't do that you won't get any response. The controller shuts the unit down when the voltage gets below it's operating requirements. On a 24 volt system that is usually about 22v so your 12v will be well under it. on a 36v system its even higher.

There is no way to tell without the proper voltage. Also is it a hub motor brush or brushless. A brush type motor is pretty easy to get a controller for. A brushless is harder to find and more expensive.

If it is a brushless you need to know if the hall effect sensors are working correctly. Even if the batteries are shot, he should be able to hook the charger up and charge it enough to make the motor turn with no resistance. In other turn the bike upside down take the batteries directly off the charger and see if it won't turn the motor.

Otherwise I have no idea for you. Not even sure if that will work. You might want to take a meter with you to see if the batteries have any voltage right off the charger. Again I'm not sure that will help but I would try to verify that it is the batteries since I burned up a controller but the lights kept telling me it was the batteries. The battery light goes through the controller so if the controller is bad it might read dead battery.
It appears that the Heinzmann motor is brushed, from my research on the web.
The factory controller has a lot of small features that turn lights on when the brake is applied and other gadget type things. I'd rather use the 36v batteries for propulsion alone and put the lights on a separate system.