taking a look at battery systems my way

as for the battery there is now some eggheads saying they can nano a battery and get ten times the power.
I can get free batterys from the drawrs of back up systems that go out of date.
the batterys come 18 in a steel drawer and are hooked to creat a 120 volt scorce when the grid fails. after two years they need to get replaced. Emergy preparedness. well they are SLA's but only weigh 5 pounds and contain 9 amps so if I string two its 24 volts and ten mile range and if I string 4 its 48 volts 12 mile range they are light enought to take 50% of the weight out of SLA's and since they come Free mot of the time they can be stockpiled I have 12 of them and therefor three 48 volt packs that can be 2x24 or 1x48 and they are the best thing since peanut butter. I also utilize the contact wiring and red black 12 ga 10 ga 6 gauge too for my neat hookups I can post here real soon the proceedure and the real time use of these APC changeouts