Summer Project NOPEC

Warning to Uncle Kudzu!!!!"THE CALIFORNIA KID" is coming and **** ain't far behind. I gottcha granpaw, you been in my O'douls again? I'm waaaay ahead of you in spending, china girl is astraddle the KID, and all is good here in the "skunk works", so you need to catch your moldy butt up. Speaking of moldy, as I was tying the KID's handlebars on with some hemp, I had an epiphany, While I'm building this bike, I asked myself do I want to do it right, while it's here nice and dry ,well lit & every tool I need OR do I hurry up half-assit and fix it on the side of the road in the rain? NEWBIES read that last sentence again and listen to your ol' granpaw. Uncle Kudzu spend a little of that money you got stashed everywhere and catch up. I'm outta here-(c) Walter F. remember, time ain't nothin' to a hawg////
THINGS YA LEARN--I just learned I don't know how start a thread, I'm about ready to practice sending pictures. I see the little envelope in little tool bar, been doin' a little readin on how to do it and will practice when pics come back.

I also learned when you are trying to build a 20" chopper/cruiser there is NO room & whatever you are putting on now , will be dead in the way of the part you are going to put on next.

The aggravation will be worth it though, "The California Kid" is lookin' GOOD!!

Uncle Kudzu, how you coming? Did you check under the 'patina" at the welds on your rack-'embilly to make sure it ain't "patinaed" all the way thru??? I'd hate to see you and your new "macaroni burner" in a heap amongst a pile of "patina". heh,heh that'll get him stirred up. HAPPY TRAILS TO ALL! (c) Walter F.
darn, it Walty, if i could get one of these vendors to actually ship me an engine i'd have something to show!

however... i'll probably log plenty of quality saddle-time on the so-called macaroni burner by the time you admit to yourself that that engine just ain't gonna fit on that 20'' frame rotfl