summer build donner bikes PICTURES


New Member
this is an old bike i picked up at the junk yard and to answere the question YES IT WORKS(^) i couldnt belive it but i turned the crank and it lit up



btw this bike cost 3$
i would pay double that for the light!
the part of the frame that holds the rear tire is bent but im only using the front tire, pedal assembly and crank, handlebars, light and seat post
and this is the bike im using the seat , forks, rear tire, brakes, frame patern, the clamp that holds the handle bars and bolts from (the bolts have the brand symbol on them



also the kickstand ^

the finall bike is going to look like the above bike with a bamboo frame because thats the frame im using as a guide
Please show pictures as you progress. We just ordered an 80 kit for my wife, and she wants to use a girls bike. She has arthritis in her hip and doesen't want to have to lift her leg any higher than she has to, to get on it.
I have been seeing a lot of kit tanks mounted on luggage racks behind the seat. I'd go that way. Yes you can do a womens bike, I did a 24" one and it was a lot of fun but it was also small.

I even dropped a twenty inch wheel on the back to make it even lower for me. If you check the bike only section you will see a bit about bikes for an old man (me) there are some simple inexpensive changes we can make to help with the stiff legs and bad balance.
i think i decided to run a chain drive rack mount 4 cycle from ebay. im just trying to figure out a way to make it look old. mabie fade the plastic and paint the motor all splotchy
Zim, sand your frame down, spray it with salt water, let set for a week or so spraying occasionally, after the desired patina is achived, spray a clear coat over it. For more tips on antiqueing bikes check out • Index page , theres some really cool stuff there...Kelly
For the arthritic lady let me suggest

a girly bike 26" then get yourself a child's 20". Swap the rear wheel and the crank over to the girly bike. That is the only kind i have now except for the china bike and It used to be that way. Still don't know why I changed it.
I had problems with the sturmey 3 speed hub, it's too big for the drive sprocket's bolt pattern.

Why would you have to change drive sprockets on the hub? If it is too wide, you can allow for that when you build the frame. If you are trying to mount it to the existing frame, you can carefully widen the rear triangle of the bike. Instructions for doing so are available.

If you decide you can't use the S-A would you consider selling it?

My problem is related to the hub being too fat for the bolt pattern of the sprocket. A different sprocket would solve this but I'm going to swap for a coaster brake hub. Even the rubber gaskets for my sprocket don't wrap around the S/A hub, take a look at this pic. I can't even get 3 of the bolts through, they align with the spokes right where they overlap. I will be keeping it, though.


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Your bamboo bike might benefit from one of Pablo's shifter kits. One thing it does is replace the rear mount with much more support. You can use the S-A, too. And shift it.

I just ordered one. :D
