stupid question: about exhaust gasket


New Member
i was a dork and didnt put a coating of gasket sealer around my exhaust gasket and it became brittle and crumbled off. what would happen if i ran without the exhaust gasket? am i sidelined until i can find one? :-{
You can make one or go to auto parts store and ask for an EGR gasket. There are posts here and I do not know the part #. My last gasket I made out of roofing tar paper and it works. The stock gaskets crumble whether you seal them or not.

Here is the thread with part number and picture........
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hot hot hot

I just got my engine kit running (after getting a NKG B4 sparkplug for it) and put a few miles on the bike and noticed that it was getting hot very quick. Now when i start it, it gets very hot within a minute and if i rev it much it starts to smoke. My fuel mix is about 18:1 and I already checked for airleaks.
Any help would be appreciated.
generllee I think your plug is WAY too hot of a plug range, if you are using a NGK B4HS. I run a B6HS and was told that was too hot for florida. Most posts I have seen recommend the B8HS. With NGK the lower the # the hotter the plug. I also find my motor likes what most may say is an extremely wide gap, I gap at .030, most say between .018 and .022 I would experiment with the gap after breakin and also go to a fuel/oil ratio of 25:1 to 32:1 I have almost 1000 miles and run 32:1 quality synthetic oil. Running 18:1 is good for breakin but also the more oil the more smoke AND the leaner the fuel to air mixture creating a lean condition, because the higher mixture of oil means less gas and the same amount of air compared to say 25:1 or 32:1. I hope this makes sense.
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i have a stupid comment for this (im adding to the theme)

i have a .05 gap on my plug, is that better or worse?

its a NPK B6HS.

i dont why i didnt ask you guys befor i did it, i read on my instructions that came with my engine (thats the stupid part of my thoughts).

now, if a larger gap is worse, how do i correct it?
I had the same issue with my original gasket, only it burned up and then the engine kind of spit it out....


I went to autozone and asked for the gasket paper for exhausts and they were out, so I bought an exhaust gasket for a large chevy that had a large amount of solid space. It came in a 2 pack for $8. I was able to cut 4 gaskets out of them. I didn't use any rtv when I put it on but it works really well.
i have a stupid comment for this (im adding to the theme)

i have a .05 gap on my plug, is that better or worse?

its a NPK B6HS.

i dont why i didnt ask you guys befor i did it, i read on my instructions that came with my engine (thats the stupid part of my thoughts).

now, if a larger gap is worse, how do i correct it?

That seems a bit wide, because these engines produce such a weak spark, but if it works for you go with it.......