Stretched Beach Cruiser 80cc stealth

its been a while since ive been here - but to bring everyone up to date on some of my projects...

First of all, the motorized beach cruiser is running as strong as ever "80cc Stealth" - its been a damn good motor kit...

The Bicycle Chopper hasnt change, since ive decided to keep it all pedal power...

The electric drag bike "scooter" turned into more of a experimental vehicle - i never took it to the drag strip to see how fast it would top out at - on the streets it topped out at 50mph - disappointing, but it taught me more about electrics which made it worth the effort...

my latest project was to take a honda shadow and convert it an electric motorcycle, so all of my attention has been in building it - which is coming along nicely...

this latest project has been a take off from my motorized stretched beach cruiser and from the folks here...

Thank You Thud... Ed Fargo Juiced Racing... Shawn Lawless... Predator... Ted and Travis...

and a Special Thank You to my friend who was just killed by a drunk driver "Mike Sneaky Pete Lette"... Live to Ride - Ride to Live ole friend...


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thank you for the jack shaft info - its pretty much the answer to my chain reduction problems, plus giving the engine multiple gears. my next project is gonna be a stretched beach cruiser trike, i have really been interested in building a trike...

Hello, they call me A Boogie - love the cruiser! I live in MI(Detroit) and we have a local bike club called "SLOW ROLL"... I wanna build a cruiser this winter for the 2015 season, I'm truly inspired by this one and so I'd like to know how can I build a cruiser real similar to the 80cc Stealth???

"A Boogie"