Stiletto Chopper/NEED HELP!!! I can't find the spare part. Double-sided hub


New Member
NEED HELP!!! I can't find the spare part. Double-sided hub.
like here. thanks a lot!!!
Stiletto Chopper


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Excuse me. I don't know if it's necessary. I'd like to add a little bit to that. You want the GIANT STILETTO jackshaft as instructed. You may also want the jackshaft assembly, which is the jackshaft (with sprockets, washers, adapters and shaft collars) and the bottom bracket cup set with two sealed bearings. Thankyou.
Excuse me. Does that rear wheel have a special extra wide axel? If so, would an axel with a size of one inch less than the one on there now be safe to use if we compressed the dropouts to make it fit, or who sells a 26'' rear wheel with extra wide axel? Thankyou.
FYI, giant stiletto, is a 3x 24 rear tire unless mike measurements are wrong. The front tires are 20x3, I'm probably selling my front tire. Replaces it with the one from choppersus with the dual front disk brake.
Thankyou Jhammer and lich-lenin both. Can I ask another question? How wide is the rear and front hubs? Are they an odd-ball size or are those wheels commonly available. I noticed that choppersus has many parts out of stock. Thanks again.
As far as hubs go I really don't know. Haven't measured and don't really know the standard sizes are , sorry. Choppersus: if you really want something they don't have, I would try calling them and try to preorder, plus the site won't tell you when the next shipment is. :-)
FYI. I was retracing posts. What reason do you need a shorter rear axle? Stressing the frame for what outcome
The deal there, Jhammer, if the rear wheel hub is a unique size that is hard to find then I could substitute a wheel with a standard size hub if it's safe. Giant doesn't make parts for that bicycle. The Stiletto was made for a brief time when choppers were at their peak of popularity. Thankyou for your information.
I forgot, I'm tired off of work, or if I wanted to put a nu-vinci hub or a nexus three speed in place of that wide hub with the 7-speed cassette freewheel, if that could be done safely if those hubs are about 1'' more narrow than the freewheel hub.
Ah. The nuvinci. I don't really understand how it works. I know it's an internal hub. But the only way I figger thing out is by taking it apart and putting it back together. Also if anyone doesn't like the "fake gastank fender" that's mounted on the top bar I'm interested in buying one if the money is right. Dunno what I think it's worth. So an offer would be great. And why would you spend $$$ on an nuvinci 7 and try to shove it on when you have a built in jack shaft and seven speed. Personallyy I have looked at the nuvinci. And think it's wicked if I ever finish this stiletto. To build and micargi gts trike. That will be nuvinci if I ever start it, th ideas for the unlimited class.
But i would not nuvinci this bike. Because I think that I 10 speed freewheel cassette and derauilllar is a better is of your/my money