Well since the last photos i have done some things to the bike that have made it much better. I finally got some brakes although not rear brakes, still trying to figure that one out. Got a sweet $ 10.00 speedometer that i have no clue if it tells the truth. Installed a sound dampening kit which i have to say is awesome for vibration and sound. I put a Sweet 50. cal ammo can on the back next to the seat which is great for a 6 pack o-beer. I put the pedals back on but having trouble bending the left one just right to clear the pull start and be straight. Got a mirror to see the idiots approaching from the rear. Bought a head light today at Pep Boys and thinking if i can steal my daughters power wheels battery. I have a couple more things that i have planned like a throttle cable roller bearing thingee. Also is a photo of what the $20 bike looked like when i got it.