starting my occ stingray build tomorrow

rock out

New Member
As stated I'm starting my second build this time I'm gonna go the easier way by starting with an already complete bike not just a frame lol.
I found a occ stingray looks in mint condition for 100$
I ordered barry's offset mount and exhaust from eBay
I'm thinking of ordering the live fast hub/sprocket adapter
Any things i should look out for or any tips you'd like to share on this build like do I even need the sprocket adapter
Also looks like the bike has no front brakes. Got any solutions on adding one maybe disc or just regular clamp style brakes
Greatly appreciated keep on riding boys (c)
I used the Pirate Cycles sprocket and adaptor. Works really well. Use Loctite. Pedal Chopper has a couple nice front brake options. I also used Barry's exhaust pipe, with the baffle
This thing is a lot smaller then it looks in pictures good thing I'm building this for my nephew. I wish I could find the xl version of the stingray
So I havnt updated this in a while but I just picked up a Schwinn stingray spoiler yesterday for pretty cheap I plan to clean her up has a Lil bit of rust here and there.
I need to figure out my motor mount and drive sprocket setup any one got ideas?