Starting a Giant Stiletto build

Ono Nadagin

New Member
well we picked up a Giant Stiletto for cheap at a local pawn shop going to use it instead of the Elctra Rat Fink we picked up a few months back(gonna save the Rat Fink for a 48V Bafang BBS02)

So we are thinking of putting a HF 79cc or a china girl in the Stiletto connected to the bikes built in jackshaft



Are there any individuals here that will sell just what I need in a kit?..Since we have a peanut tank for it and wont need the rag joint and a few other things

Also I saw a post a while back where a guy built a thing to keep the chain from jumpin off the 7 speed cassette but I cant find it now might anyone have a link?

anyone know if you can use a promo code on the HF motors when they are onsale for $99 to get it even cheaper?

One more thing does anyone know of a company making a seat post adapter/mount for these stilettos?

Thanx in advance for any and all comments
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I used a 20% off coupon code to get my 79cc motor for $79. A good deal with the discount. Interesting build. Good luck
Well we (building this bike with my Dad... great guy rides a Harley daily at the age of 73) decided and we are getting a HF 79cc in the morning to go in the Stiletto with the 25% coupon it should be around $83 with tax

also going to order some of the dune buggy clamps to use to mount the motor and possibly a few more to make a mount for a seat.

Then once we have the motor here and mounted going to work on reworking the jack-shaft with some parts from Stanton to get the pedals to freewheel while under motor power.

Lots more stuff to get done but that is what is on the front burners for now.
That is gonna look sweet, Ono.

The HF 79cc's are amazing little power plants. Lots of torque.
Ok I am sitting here thinking about how to center the engine more, can I lengthen my jack shaft and possibly my BB crank shaft to move the crank sprocket and the sprocket on the jack shaft it connects to further out to the right a little. Think this is a good idea to help center the engine? I am going to rebuild the jack shaft anyway to allow me to pedal start it and not have the cranks moving when under engine power.

I was thinking of just using a chain guide to press the chain down to the bottom of the engine as it comes off the top of the BB crank sprocket

Which idea sounds better
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Id probably just weld a couple of tags to the bottom tube for a nylon chain guide. Leave the pedal chain where it is and run the motor chain out board.
Very nice bike.