

New Member
Hello Motorbicycling forum!

We are a new vendor site, but have been selling these motors for years.

We would like to become part of this online community and help you out with the things we sell.

When you guys purchase from us enter promo-code: forum2012 and receive %15 off until the end of the year.

Also check out our bulk discounts on motor kits (Canada only!). We cannot ship motors to USA due to EPA regulations (we're working on it).

But we can send any parts and engine parts anywhere!

If you check out our site, you will notice we sell much more than bike engine kits. Maybe you will find something else to your fancy.

To other vendors or to-be vendors, we offer wholesale pricing on everything we sell, please PM me for details.


I'm way interested... but it says you dont ship to Saskatchewan... :-\ or at least to Moose Jaw
Yupp, if you can ship to Saskatchewan at a reasonable price, you will be my new vendor for the motor kits. I plan on building a few more and at those prices I'm all over it.
We can ship to Saskatchewan no problem! UPS and Canada Post are both fairly cheap there.

Let me know and I can set you up with a wholesaler login.

I'll probably pick one up in 3 weeks at the latest, do you have the GT5-a and a 40mm offset intake? I noticed your offset intakes dont list the spacing (so I assume its 30mm), and I love the GT5-a because of the larger intake, allows me to port it pretty large, and I'm getting kinda desparate for a 40mm offset intake but I dont want to pay $25 for a $12 part and ship it all the way from the states. I could also use the small bevel wheel (the small gear under the clutch cover, in case you call it something else). so far you're my most appealing vendor but seem to lack individual motor replacement parts. You have a good selection of performance parts I'm really interested in though, and the chrome motor kits are pretty cool too, though my Roommate wants to get just the motor (having bought 3 motor kits already and only 1 running bike, we have essentially the whole kit without the motor)