Spark plug modification.

Fabian i found those triple electrode plugs on spookytooth.I'm out of town for a couple of weeks so ca'nt give you more info other than that.Having to do this on cell,so hope it gets to forum.
I got off the phone today, after speaking with a tech-head from NGK Australia.
Unfortunately, NGK does not make 'any' sparkplugs other than standard coper core plugs for our Happy Time style engines.

I'll have to check with Denso to see if they have a supplementary gap (multi pronged) sparkplug to suit these 2-stroke engines.


I would dearly love to know what manufacturer makes that tripple sided electrode sparkplug and the model number.

Have you got any info?


Hi there
I have the triple electrode engine kit.....
But i havn't test this spark plug properly as.I just changed to ngk bp6hs from new as it was i longer tip.....
Its the newest motor available in "austrailia"
Started selling 27th april 2010
Its call a skyhawk..(go sick em) 70cc
Comes with speed carbi
Slant head
Meant to have bigger ports ect ectcvlt1

You just described the engine I bought from a month ago. They call it a Silver Grubee Sky Hawk 66/80. Speed carb w/red aircleaner-slant plug. Runs well.

Ya I have the same engine just braking it in. Very nice. What "off the shelf" plug would you use to max out the bottom end power? (if there is such a plug)
didn't they sell a plug like that about 10 to 20 years ago by Accell called the U-Grove plug, they were yellow in color. I was a mechanic for 20 years and remember those plugs very well, I use to run them in my 2 stroke dirt bikes, raced them for 10 years!

You just described the engine I bought from a month ago. They call it a Silver Grubee Sky Hawk 66/80. Speed carb w/red aircleaner-slant plug. Runs well.


Yeh thats the one but mine is black

Have you tested the spark plug that bcame with kit???

I had problem 1 stl when i bought it needle setting was 2 notch's at top...Like normal,but my engine had very low bottom end torque i had to half choke it to get it now its running on a rich setting 2 notch's from bottom....Maybe because of the twin boost bottles....(yes i know that don't do much only look good) Also i changed spark plug lead to 8mm car lead....But now its haveing a slight miss all thoughout rev range....But after all of this engine has power but just a slight miss fire

Can you suggest anything i could try???zpt
My ngk gaped at .027 and i have a long street exhaust
I am running mine just like it came. Needle clip one ring down from the top. A little bit rich at midrange but won't hardly run with the clip in the top ring. I am going to retry the top ring with a thin washer under the clip. It is all apart now installing a SBP shifter kit. I put a Iridium spark plug in it and it runs the same as the one that came with it.

I may need corrective logic but my understanding of electricty is current flow wants to take the path of least resistance and electrical presssure will build up till there is enough pressure to force electrons to jump the gap.
From what i understand, the electrical charge won't divide itself once it's bridged the gap to the ground electrode (ground strap).

It doesn't matter how many ground straps are attached to the sparkplug, the electrical pressure will build up and jump the gap of least resistance, but, in a supplemenatry gap spark plug (multi-pronged) the electrical pressure has a second or third or fourth option to jump the air gap and create a spark (in the case of a 2 or 3 or 4 pronged plug) if there's insulating material deposited on a ground strap, be it soot, oil or heavy carbon deposits.

Yeh thats the one but mine is black

Have you tested the spark plug that bcame with kit???

I had problem 1 stl when i bought it needle setting was 2 notch's at top...Like normal,but my engine had very low bottom end torque i had to half choke it to get it now its running on a rich setting 2 notch's from bottom....Maybe because of the twin boost bottles....(yes i know that don't do much only look good) Also i changed spark plug lead to 8mm car lead....But now its haveing a slight miss all thoughout rev range....But after all of this engine has power but just a slight miss fire

Can you suggest anything i could try???zpt
My ngk gaped at .027 and i have a long street exhaust
All fixed now running sweet now
I regaped the spark plug 5mm wow what a differance bp6hs..............Is it safe to run such a big gap 5mm zpt?????
Works even better than the standerd one with 3 electro
In regards to triple ground plug.Here's the description given on web.

The 3 point plug was originally designed for slanted cylinder heads. The 3 point plug has three electrodes for extra spark and useful life. On occasion, the electrode can block the spark on slanted cylinder heads. This new design will give more consistent power especially with slant head designs.

Although I think electrode and ground strap may be reversed in the statement.Wether info is correct,not sure.


  • 3-point-spark-plug-rs200.jpg
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In regards to triple ground plug.Here's the description given on web.

The 3 point plug was originally designed for slanted cylinder heads. The 3 point plug has three electrodes for extra spark and useful life. On occasion, the electrode can block the spark on slanted cylinder heads. This new design will give more consistent power especially with slant head designs.

Although I think electrode and ground strap may be reversed in the statement.Wether info is correct,not sure.

Do you know where to find one of these?

I don't know too much about it, but it sounds very interesting. Therefore I'll try to file back the "ground" of my sparkplug, just to see what happens, jeje!
Back in my Ducati days we used to grind off enough of the ground strap so that it only covered 2/3rd of the electrode. This was proven to increase performance with dyno tests. Exposes spark kernel to combustion chamber better.

Another well known hotrod mod is to index the plugs in the head to keep the ground strap away from the intake side of the combustion chamber or away from center of mass of combustion chamber,depending on engine type .

To index a plug, you mark the location of the ground strap on the plug body with a sharpie ect, and install the plug to see where is is located.
then you can add more plug gaskets to change the strap's positon when the plug is re-installed.

The idea is to keep the strap from "shadowing" the spark from the mass of the chamber as much as possible.

Wayne Z

Your HT is no racing engine. You can do anything you want to any brand of plug and your butt dyno will never know the difference. Any correct heat range plug will work just fine and there is NO performance to be gained with those type of tweaks.
