somebody build me

Trust me i am tempted. If someone offered to buy the bike I built I would buy it in a minute. My wife would murder me in my sleep If I have three bikes. Two is bad enough. The Ebike is for exercise I tell her, the gas is for errands. You talked me into fixing this one. At least it is working for the moment.
Deacon, I know you don't like the speed that you get with a larger wheel, but instead of changeing the wheel, change the rear sprocket to a larger one. I don't know what size your running now but I've seen up to 52t for sale from venders. A more economical solution for you is to find an old Schwinn exercycle, they have a 60t and have been told some have a 64t solid sprocker that could easily be drilled to make a moto drive sprocket. Just a thought...Kelly
Its a good thought but I also have trouble with the height of the bike with the large wheel. I have had them fall over on me when i tried to get on. Also I need to be able to put both feet on the ground while seated at stop signs. I think I could do that with a 24" rear wheel as well. I am going to get a 24" coaster junker one day and see how it sits. If it is good enough, I will swich out the wheel in the bigger frame.

That huffy of mine looks a lot like a stretch with a front and rear small wheel. That's my next bike to electro it. with all twenty inch parts. It's a pretty heavy frame thought. that 3 speed frame is the lightest one I have. I like that for electric bikes. I still might go that way. The frame doesn't have to be heavy weight at all since the batteries are in a trailer.
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