Some stuff is just funny


Master Bike Builder & Forum Sponsor
I hang at the Argentine MB site from time to time. My reading and writing in Spanish is so-so (ma-ma huhu)

Anyway, sometimes (OK a lot) my mind is lazy so I just do the babblefish thing. I saw this light battery post so I wanted make sure I got the mechanical gist out of it.

mi bm con bateria instalada y bocina!!!!! - Motorkit

Translation result for

Read through all of it, the woman, the ham, the breadfruit! "woman who hides herself with mantel of battery”
Snork Pablo, 2 funny.

Years back I was working in Puerto Rico on a small booze-cruiser ship. Floating restaurant and bar sort of thing. I did not speak a word of Spanish other then to ask for another beer. I asked the guys how to say "Your welcome" as it was part of my gig to show folks around the ship. The guys told me to say "denauga" (cheek or butt) not denodda. (it's nothing, no worries) (Sorry about the spelling) Was funny after the fight got broken up.