Some Pics Of My Micargi Stretch

Thank you
So you do have to go out that far ?
How about the rubber shims do you just cut them into 3 peices ?
Now when i put the rubber behind the sprocket it seems to space it out to far to get the
brake lever back on but i guess when moving the bolts out that would correct that problem.

thanks for your help
i didnt realize how much fabrication it would take to put this bike on the road with a motor on it, but its such a cool looking bike i just cant help myself
I'm finally getting close to completion on my Micargi. Here are some pics. I dicided to mount the motor in the center of the frame, which took a lot longer and required some custom modifications, but I really like the look.


I'm in the process of building a Marcargi myself and I really like how you mounted the motor in the center of the frame like that. How did you do it? Please take a few close ups of your motor area so that I can do something similar. So far yours is the best I've seen of the Marcargi bikes. What did you use as motor mounts and how did you mount it so that the original pedal chaingard didnt get in the way? I also like how you mounted the chain tensioner and the motors chain guard I'm going to attemt to do the same. Great work I'm very impressed and you've already given me a lot of help by posting these pics.brnot

I'm in the process of building a Marcargi myself and I really like how you mounted the motor in the center of the frame like that. How did you do it? Please take a few close ups of your motor area so that I can do something similar. So far yours is the best I've seen of the Marcargi bikes. What did you use as motor mounts and how did you mount it so that the original pedal chaingard didnt get in the way? I also like how you mounted the chain tensioner and the motors chain guard I'm going to attemt to do the same. Great work I'm very impressed and you've already given me a lot of help by posting these pics.brnot


I just read through the thread and found what I needed thatnks for posting all the pics they really helped a lot
Does anyone know where I can purchase motor mounts for a stretched cruiser. I am planning on getting a Mustang Gts. Any help will me much appreciated.
I built mine from hangars for truses from home depot i think number 9 hangars
a little time consuming but cheap
I searched the post and 2 or 3 people did the same thing on here marcagis

I'm in the process of building a Marcargi myself and I really like how you mounted the motor in the center of the frame like that. How did you do it? Please take a few close ups of your motor area so that I can do something similar. So far yours is the best I've seen of the Marcargi bikes. What did you use as motor mounts and how did you mount it so that the original pedal chaingard didnt get in the way? I also like how you mounted the chain tensioner and the motors chain guard I'm going to attemt to do the same. Great work I'm very impressed and you've already given me a lot of help by posting these pics.brnot

After those pictures I added another chain tensioner for the top of the chain to keep it from slapping around. It's a long chain and the clearance for the frame is very tight. As for the pedal chain guard, I cut the top so that the motor could slide down lower, this left the pedal chain untouched. You will also have to cut the rear fender just about where it mounts to the frame. I have also added a turnbuckle to keep the motor from lateral torquing. I don't get to this site very often, but I will try to take some more pics of the new modifications before I sell the bike. Getting the motor in the center of the frame took a lot of engineering, but the look was worth all of the effort. This was my first build.