Right off the bat im lost, as I always thought you needed a controller or a blocking diode to stop reverse charging? - charge going back into the panel from the battery.
I searched out an old post I made on another forums...
The Gotwind Forum • View topic - What type RESITOR thingy
Wouldn't 2 batteries = 24V blow up a 12 Volt panel? I know my mate blew up his battery charger the other week trying to charge my 36V electric bike battey pack with a 12V charger.
Yes a blocking diode is needed to prevent reverse charging however this is only needed if you buy the individual panel squares and build your own solar panel, soldering and all. Most solar panels come with a blocking diode built in. Charge controllers are not really needed if using SLA sealed lead acid batteries it is recommended if usiing lithium ion or lipo's. 1 12v solar panel will not be blown up by a 24v pack as long as diode protected however it will not charge. You have to have equal(actually slightly greater) amount of voltage to charge a battery. Think of it as pressure, if you have a pack of 24volts of pressure 12 volts is not enough pressure overpower the 24 volts and start to induce a flow of electrons into the battery. Use one 12v solar panel for every 12volts. If you take a voltage reading you will notice those "12 volt" solar panels actually put out about 14-18 volts in decent light.
you have 1 solar panel so far you mentioned and running 24 v battery so just get one more solar panel and wire it in series and you will be set to go solar using your trailer. Also if using a trailer I would even try throwing a 2nd battery in their since you can handle the extra weight and room now. You should get some really good range.